The following tissue of lies, half-truths, and evasions, with many a suppressio veri and a suggestio falsi thrown in for good measure, is so reminiscent of Mr Griffin's infamous work of slander, "Attempted Murder", published in 1986 as the National Front was tearing itself apart in an orgy of internecine factiousness, that one must assume, as a working hypothesis, that he is its author, perhaps in collaboration with his fellow 1980s factionalist, Pat Harrington.
Even the sub-titles, given as years, eg, 2001, 2002, 2003, etc, are in the style of "Attempted Murder". The article was published today on the web site of the British National Party, but published anonymously.
No doubt Eddy Butler will, as he tends to, assiduously refute on his blog each of Griffin's laughably infantile smears. As for myself I tend to agree with the anonymous Roman author of the "Augustan History" that to pursue everything to the end is tedious.
It has been aptly said that "Attempted Murder" was self-damaging to its author: that Griffin did more damage to his own reputation by its publication than he did to the targets of his spiteful vituperation. I am sure that is true. May this work, a worthy descendant of "Attempted Murder", also recoil on the head of its author. May all those who take the trouble to read it see it for what it is, and see the mind of its originator for what it is also.
It might perhaps be suggested that Mr Griffin is wasted as just another suited "fat cat" politician on the make, that he could do much better for himself financially writing fiction of the political espionage/crime genre, rather like Jeffrey Archer. But then perhaps Griffin prefers actually to live it rather than simply to write about it.
Some, perhaps Eddy Butler himself, may disapprove of my re-publishing this extraordinary article on my blog, arguing that to do so gives it a wider circulation, and that where mud is thrown some is bound to stick. I have to say that I disagree. The allegations made in the article, and their lack of corroboration, reflect very badly, not on their targets, but on their author. The puerile allegations of state sponsorship of his critics and challengers, on which Griffin always falls back when he feels what he has come to regard as "his" position of "Leader-for-Life" to be threatened, are fooling fewer and fewer BNP members, as the deadly effects of his corruption, incompetence, and petty authoritarianism, accumulate and threaten to capsize the party in which we have all invested so much, and from which he has taken so much.
Griffin's latest character assassination of his erstwhile highly esteemed lieutenant, Eddy Butler, now follows.
Butler – Making a Career of Division
Although he speaks 'mockney', Eddy Butler's own biography shows his upper-middle-class origins and explains the mystery of why he ends up speaking 'posh' whenever he gets drunk. Born in Bloomsbury in 1962, he lived initially in Harrow-on-the-Hill in north London, with a year spent in Chicago in the United States as a small boy, before his family settled in Wallington, Surrey. Butler went on to attend Whitgift School in Croydon before his family moved north and he went to Stockport Grammar School.
While in the sixth form at Stockport Grammar, he joined the National Front after first sending off for an information pack following the NF’s Party Political Broadcast for the 1979 General Election. He claims to have been involved with the Stockport Group and participated in activities with the Manchester branch.
In 1981 Butler went to Queen Mary College, University of London and graduated with a degree in History and Politics in 1984. While at university he became Organiser of Tower Hamlets National Front.
Asian girlfriends and mysterious protection
At the same time, Pat Harrington, who was also at university [sic, polytechnic] in London, became the focus of a nationwide far-left campaign to deny him his right to an education on account of his involvement with the Front. Why was no parallel campaign launched against Butler? Did the left-wingers at his college 'forgive' him because he made a habit of going out with Asian girls? Or was he already protected in a pattern that will become even clearer in due course?
Butler says he spent three years in the Territorial Army at this time. Again, there is no record of any complaints or campaign. (By contrast, the Cambridge student newspaper and left ran a series of attacks on Nick Griffin's involvement in the TA while at Cambridge just a couple of years before.)
In his biography, Butler claims that while in the National Front he contributed regular articles to their monthly magazine ‘Nationalism Today’. This is simply untrue. He had a couple of articles published, but no more. As with Ray Hill, Butler's self-serving account of his nationalist activities is repeatedly exaggerated to make him sound more important than he really was.
By 1986 the National Front was mired by infighting, while the BNP was on the point of collapse. While the division in the NF was partly ideological, it was triggered by bitter arguments over the position of the party's head of administration, Ian Anderson. The party was sinking into debt and demoralisation on account of Anderson's incompetence, petty theft and habitual lying.
Nick Griffin, Derek Holland and Pat Harrington led a majority of the governing body who demanded action against Anderson. A minority, including Andrew Brons, objected to his dismissal, claiming that there wasn't enough evidence against him and maintaining that he was being unfairly treated.
Everyone expected Butler and the influential Tower Hamlets branch to back the Anderson faction as he was regarded as sharing Butler's 'populist' political position. Had they done so, the 'Flag' NF would have emerged the clear winner from the time of division.
Given that both the Flag NF and Butler and the rest of the Tower Hamlets branch all agreed that careful and moderate electioneering was the way forward, everyone was amazed when Butler persuaded Tower Hamlets NF to defect to the BNP, which at that time under Tyndall was openly neo-fascist and had the electoral appeal and nous of a dead frog.
Bad judgement – or bad egg?
Even when the later breakthrough came in Millwall, it was in the wrong party, and Tyndall failed totally – and predictably – to build on the success. Butler's tactic of joining the wrong party (which he glosses over in his account by failing to point out the reality of the three-way division in the movement at the time) put back the cause of electoral nationalism by a decade. Was this in line with Ray Hill's 'divide-and-keep-insignificant' policy, or just another one of Butler's ego-driven errors of judgement?
Despite the BNP handicap, however, racial tensions in East London were such that, armed with local campaigning techniques developed in the community politics theories of the Nationalism Today team who had formed the backbone of the NF between 1981 and 1986, Tower Hamlets BNP and Butler won the Millwall council by-election in September 1993.
By this time, the BNP had taken over as the main nationalist party, following the final fragmentation of the rival National Fronts at the end of the 1980s and Ian Anderson's theft of the largest bequest ever received by the nationalist movement in Britain.
State-run disruption campaign
The victory in Millwall created an immediate response in terms of subversion from the far-left and the State. Butler himself agrees with Nick Griffin's old analysis of Combat 18 (when editor of the Rune magazine, Mr Griffin was the first person to put into print criticism of Combat 18 and to call it for what it was). In his own potted biography, Butler refers to ‘efforts by the state established gang called C18 to disrupt the BNP in the aftermath of the Millwall victory. The state agents who controlled C18 played upon the fears of the younger element. They were told by C18 that the BNP no longer wanted them, as the BNP was going respectable’.
In addition to later-proven State grasses such as Charlie Sargent, Combat 18 was also manipulated by several individuals who later turned out to be working for Searchlight, including Darren Wells.
According to his own account, from 1990 to 2009, Butler worked in the finance department of the Corporation of the City of London (not the most obvious use for a History degree, but there you go). This brings us again to the question of who has been protecting Butler, and why. He always claimed that the flexi-time, good pay and long holidays of this job left him free to do almost as much politics as he wanted.
Various local BNP campaigners have been targeted at work in jobs as 'lowly' as emptying the bins or even digging graves. But Butler never had any trouble. He was supposed to be the architect of the party's election strategy in London and the South East. He has a track record for involvement in political violence and headlines. One incident led to Searchlight making the following comment: ‘When Butler was running the BNP’s “rights for whites” campaign in the East End in the early 1990s he and a team of thugs laid into a group of anti-fascists with hammers and other weapons.’
Heavy violence, in other words, yet there was never once a single demonstration, or even a call for people to complain, over his position in the training department of the multi-ethnic workforce of the Corporation of the City of London.
It's preposterous! Butler was clearly protected, allowed to keep his 'job' because it left him free to be a key player in the BNP. The only question is whether he was protected by Searchlight and the far more powerful forces ultimately behind its pro-Zionist, anti-nationalist agenda, or whether his Sugar Daddies are in the Metropolitan Police and he is one of the ‘turned agents’ in the party to whom mainstream newspaper reports of the Met's undercover squads make explicit reference.
Despite being hypercritical of Tyndall's slow response to Combat 18, Butler stayed with the party throughout that period when its fortunes were in decline. It was only three years later, when Tyndall's Spearhead magazine had followed Griffin's Rune in confronting C18, and the gang of thugs had turned in on themselves, that Butler now decided to leave the BNP.
More divisiveness from the Usual Suspect
Yet again, therefore, he jumped ship and perpetuated division in the movement just at a time when there was actually far more unity than usual. The pattern repeats itself over and over with Butler. Again, we have to ask, is he working to someone else's agenda, or does he just have an absolutely lousy sense of judgement and timing?
He started by slagging off Tyndall's leadership to all the other key officials. At one stage this led to Tyndall being at odds with his entire leadership team. Butler tried very hard indeed to persuade John Morse (one of the Useful Idiots who had followed Ray Hill into the newly formed BNP from the British Movement) to stand against Tyndall for the leadership.
In the end, Morse was either too loyal or too scared to challenge Tyndall, but Butler had done quite a bit of damage with a tactic he has since used again and again, in trying to incite wholly unsuitable 'challengers' to put themselves forward for leadership contests which he then uses as an excuse for an orgy of mud-throwing.
While Tyndall deserved criticism for his handling of the party, Butler's attacks on him were so blatant and troublesome, and his constant talk of going off to form something else led 'J.T.' to condemn Butler as ‘a butterfly’. Teaming up with a few posh voices, Butler left the party in 1996 quit to form the Bloomsbury Forum with a number of others.
The Bloomsbury Forum was designed to bridge the gap between the nationalist right and the right-wing fringes of the Conservative Party. That Butler thought this was possible is proof he is a tactical cretin; that he thought it desirable shows that ideologically, if he is ‘on the right’ at all, he is an old imperial Tory and not a proper nationalist.
Despite having left the party, however, Butler continued to try to interfere in its affairs (as it turns out, for the good, but Tyndall didn't see it like that at the time!). He wrote articles for the independent magazine Patriot. Patriot's message of 'moderate' nationalism was necessary, but Butler from the very beginning wanted to go way beyond the switch from the unworkable policy of forced repatriation to voluntary resettlement (a policy which Tyndall was forced to adopt as a result of Nick Griffin's seminal Spearhead article 'No Time For Peter Pan'). Butler's proposal of 'minimalist nationalism' wanted to abandon principle altogether as 'unnecessary baggage'.
In the late 1990s, Nick Griffin challenged John Tyndall for the party leadership, which he duly won in 1999. Butler was brought back into the party on the recommendation of Tony Lecomber. It soon became clear, however, that Butler and a small group of allies in the party had only backed Nick Griffin in order to use him to get rid of Tyndall (a man who, for all his faults, was far bigger than them) with the intention of then moving against the new leader before his position was fully consolidated.
Groundless claims, big ambitions
Within months of the election, Butler was one of a small clique of ambitious subordinate officials who started making groundless claims of financial irregularity in an attempt to force Nick Griffin to hand over control of the party to a committee – run, of course, by them! They also did their level best to frighten members into creating a financial crisis by claiming that the party was about to go bankrupt. Their black propaganda campaign destroyed the BNP in the West Midlands and damaged it severely in some other places, but Nick Griffin kept going, and the rebellion fizzled out as they always do.
Twelve years later, Butler is still trying the same tricks, and the end result is going to be the same.
When the attempt to lie their way into power failed, Butler and his cronies went off to form the short-lived Freedom Party. As well as taking an ultra-soft line on immigration, it was also very vocal in the thoroughly un-nationalist idea that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the banking system.
Butler and his allies condemned the traditional nationalist position against the banks as a 'funny money' doctrine. Curiously, he's said nothing about this since the introduction of Quantitative Easing proved that real nationalists had been right all along about the banks creating credit out of thin air and screwing the productive economy for interest.
The British National Party starts winning elections, first in Burnley's all-out council contests, then in first-past-the-post by-election campaigns run by Nick Griffin in Blackburn and Halifax. Butler snipes from the sidelines as his own party disintegrates.
When the British National Party showed it could win seats, Butler abandoned the people he'd encouraged to split away and begged to be allowed to rejoin the BNP.
Despite Butler’s previous dishonesty, and conscious of how division does weaken the Cause, Nick Griffin let him back and, after a good election result in Broxbourne, made him National Elections Officer again.
Butler was among those quietly angling for a leadership challenge in the run-up to the council elections in May. A string of great results for the party killed off such speculation.
Renewed speculation about a leadership challenge received some extra weight when the BNP’s then cultural officer, Jonathan Bowden (an old ally of Butler in the Bloomsbury Forum and Freedom Party, whom Nick Griffin had also given the benefit of the doubt and a position in the party), announced that he would support a challenge,
Bowden's outburst came after Nick Griffin issued proscription notices prohibiting BNP members from associating with the New Right Group after it had held a meeting, co-hosted by Bowden, which was addressed by Lady Michele Renouf, a close confidante and backer of David Irving. Butler was firmly behind his old friend Bowden, but kept behind the scenes as far as possible.
The attitude of the Butler camp to such things is always an attempt to have their cake and eat it: the leadership is wrong to give the media opportunities to talk about 'Holocaust denial', but also wrong to take measures to enforce commonsense restrictions on individuals whose antics are used by the media to damage the party.
In Butler's ‘Through the Looking-Glass’ Humpty Dumpty view of the BNP, words mean only what he says they mean, and he'll say anything to anyone to further his own agenda.
Butler also kept out of the firing line in 2007, as a plot developed by a clique centred around Sadie Graham (later responsible for the unforgivable treason of leaking the BNP membership list) and Kenny Smith, with lesser bit parts played by people such as Chris Beverley, who had recently run the party's merchandising wing into the ground.
Ostensibly focussed on the 'rebels’' hatred for Mark Collett (now, of course, Butler's right hand man, with all the hatred – for now – put to one side), the plot ended with their publishing two bogus British Nationalist membership bulletins.
‘Mediating’ – to make things worse
Butler stepped forward and offered to 'mediate', but strangely his 'efforts' made matters worse. Unable to secure any kind of agreement, Nick Griffin ended up obtaining a High Court injunction to prevent the rebels using or leaking the membership list. In the end, Graham and her boyfriend Matt Single leaked it anyway, but a number of Butlerites still want them back. Meanwhile, Butler continues to snipe about the costs of a court case that had to be undertaken precisely because his 'negotiations' – whether by accident or design – failed to resolve the problem more sensibly.
In the run-up to the European Elections in 2009, Butler's deceitful disruptiveness was noticed more and more widely. Everyone at the top knew that, despite being head of the Elections Department, Butler was hoping for a bad election result because it would encourage a challenge to Nick Griffin’s leadership.
Seen in this context, Butler’s order to Regional Organisers not to bother chasing postal votes, and not to bother sealing the ballot boxes each day as the postal votes were counted, is very suspicious.
After the double victory (which occurred because North West regional organiser Clive Jefferson overrode Butler's electorally suicidal commands), Nick Griffin spoke to various key figures about what to do with Butler.
Emma Colgate was known to be very close to him and advised that his fractiousness and lying was all due to his ‘not feeling valued’. With her assurance that ‘Eddy will be better if you show him you trust him’, Nick Griffin did just that. This, of course, turned out to be a mistake which Mr. Griffin says he will never repeat again.
Another such not-to-be-repeated mistake was to allow Butler to 'mediate' in a staff dispute that had arisen between three members of staff and Jim Dowson at the party's temporary overspill admin base in Stroud. Simon Darby was given part of this job and, with the pair of former staff workers with whom he negotiated, the issue was quickly and easily dealt with to the relative satisfaction of all. The case that Butler undertook to sort out, however, went disastrously hostile and remains another one of the court issues that he uses to snipe against the current leadership. A bit rich, given his role in winding up the problem in the first place.
In March 2010, just prior to the General Election, Butler was relieved of his positions in the party and his well-paid job on Nick Griffin's European staff. This resulted from evidence of his close involvement in a campaign of subversion with Mark Collett and Butler’s withholding from the Treasury of more than 10,000 Euros in cash – money which Collett claimed would be used to fund a proposed 'hit' on the party's then fundraiser, Jim Dowson.
Collett wanted Dowson killed primarily because he had intervened to stop Collett handling the placing of big party leaflet orders, saying that he was getting cash kickbacks for doing so.
Collett also explained how he and Butler planned after the election to threaten Nick Griffin with false ‘evidence’ of financial wrongdoing and a massive smear campaign unless he would resign the leadership and go off quietly to concentrate on being an MEP. The then Treasurer was asked to refuse to defend Nick Griffin when he was to be falsely accused of stealing £200,000. According to Collett, ‘Eddy thinks Griffin will accept.’
The plan, you will probably already have noticed, was a carbon copy of what Butler and his clique tried in 2001. The tape of Collett’s revelations was sent to West Yorkshire police, but despite several former police officers who listened to it saying that there was clear evidence of law-breaking, at least by Collett, the police later announced that they would not be taking any action against Butler’s key ally.
This came on top of months of black propaganda lies by Butler directed against Nick Griffin and those Butler regarded as the leadership's valuable allies. Ironically, given their now close co-operation, his main targets at the time were Jim Dowson (Butler even stole a pen drive form Dowson's home, only handing it back when threatened with legal action if he allowed any of its contents to be published) and Paul Golding. For a while, Butler had nothing good to say about them. Now, however, he is calling for them all to bury the hatchet and get together to 'starve out' the party's democratically elected leader.
Curiously, the question of how Butler funds his politicking and his unorthodox family lifestyle again raised its head during this period. With his income down to one-third of what it had been in March, by June people in his area were asking him how he could afford to keep going. His reply was that ‘They're so incompetent they're still paying me.’ This was a lie.
When the lie wore too thin for anyone to wear, he then produced a totally new tale about a large family bequest. Maybe, but isn't it obvious that there's a track record going back twenty years here? Someone is paying Butler to do what he does. And, self-evidently, whoever it is, they are not friends of the British nation!
Busy with his lie-filled blog, Butler yet again showed either his utter contempt for his nationalist audience or a breathtaking lack of grasp on political reality when he proposed 'unity' between the UK Independence Party, the British National Party and the various smaller groups ‘on the patriotic, nationalistic, “right-wing”, populist, non-politically correct, identity-related side of the spectrum’. These smaller groups included the ultra-civic English Democrats and the street-brawling English Defence League.
Such a party would, he claimed, ‘have over 30,000 members’ and ‘instantly be a major force in British politics’. It was also, of course, a ridiculous and unobtainable pipedream. As former National Elections Officer, Butler knows perfectly well that UKIP's leadership have repeatedly rejected both sincere and tactically offered proposals for even an electoral pact with the British National Party.
There is not the faintest possibility of such a thing happening, just as there is no prospect of any party that fights elections hooking up with the EDL. So why make such ridiculous proposals? In order to sucker the inexperienced and naive into thinking that his calls for 'nationalist reconciliation' are sincere – despite coming as they do from someone who has done more to divide the movement than anyone over a disruptive thirty-year career of subversion and disruption.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Richard Edmonds: the party must be saved!
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Richard Edmonds To Challenge Nick Griffin For Party Leadership
By the Press Officer
Last night’s (Thursday's) meeting in South East London was very well attended and the atmosphere was jubilant in the knowledge that Richard Edmonds had decided to challenge Nick Griffin for the leadership of the party.
The meeting was chaired by Johnny Leech, the former Greenwich Organiser. Johnny delivered a very passionate and enlightening speech, in which he related the present difficulties endemic within the British National Party.
Chris Roberts, the former London Regional Organiser, also addressed the meeting and articulated some of the particulars behind the difficulties the British National Party now finds itself in and why it is essential a leadership contest takes place this year. Chris Roberts pledged his full support to Richard Edmonds and wished him well.
Richard Edmonds, founder member, former vice chairman and former member of the Advisory Council of the British National Party, took the floor to great applause.
Richard gave one of his great speeches telling the meeting why he had decided, at his age (not for publication!) to stand for the leadership of the party. I will not go into the detail of what Richard said as his speech was recorded and will be released shortly. Richard finalised by asking Chris Roberts to be his campaign manager and Chris agreed.
After the interval, Eddy Butler, former National Organiser, spoke and related his understanding of the financial and administrative difficulties the party was facing at the present time. Eddy admitted he had got some things wrong last year when, during his challenge for the leadership, he told everyone the party’s debts were in the region of £150,000, because just after the nomination count Nick Griffin announced the debt was in fact £600,000.
The meeting was thrown open to questions to which all the speakers responded in great detail.
Note: for Richard to be successful it is essential that everyone pull together to support him and those with at least 2 years' membership as at 1 July 2011 sign his nomination paper.
A copy of the nomination form may be downloaded from the BNP Reform 2011 web site.
Completed nomination sheets should be returned to, Leadership Contest, PO Box 279, Sutton, SM1 9AR, as early as possible.
Richard Edmonds To Challenge Nick Griffin For Party Leadership
By the Press Officer
Last night’s (Thursday's) meeting in South East London was very well attended and the atmosphere was jubilant in the knowledge that Richard Edmonds had decided to challenge Nick Griffin for the leadership of the party.
The meeting was chaired by Johnny Leech, the former Greenwich Organiser. Johnny delivered a very passionate and enlightening speech, in which he related the present difficulties endemic within the British National Party.
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L to R: Johnny Leech, Chris Roberts (standing), Richard Edmonds |
Chris Roberts, the former London Regional Organiser, also addressed the meeting and articulated some of the particulars behind the difficulties the British National Party now finds itself in and why it is essential a leadership contest takes place this year. Chris Roberts pledged his full support to Richard Edmonds and wished him well.
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Richard marshals his facts |
Richard Edmonds, founder member, former vice chairman and former member of the Advisory Council of the British National Party, took the floor to great applause.
Richard gave one of his great speeches telling the meeting why he had decided, at his age (not for publication!) to stand for the leadership of the party. I will not go into the detail of what Richard said as his speech was recorded and will be released shortly. Richard finalised by asking Chris Roberts to be his campaign manager and Chris agreed.
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Richard pulls no punches but tells it like it is |
After the interval, Eddy Butler, former National Organiser, spoke and related his understanding of the financial and administrative difficulties the party was facing at the present time. Eddy admitted he had got some things wrong last year when, during his challenge for the leadership, he told everyone the party’s debts were in the region of £150,000, because just after the nomination count Nick Griffin announced the debt was in fact £600,000.
The meeting was thrown open to questions to which all the speakers responded in great detail.
Note: for Richard to be successful it is essential that everyone pull together to support him and those with at least 2 years' membership as at 1 July 2011 sign his nomination paper.
A copy of the nomination form may be downloaded from the BNP Reform 2011 web site.
Completed nomination sheets should be returned to, Leadership Contest, PO Box 279, Sutton, SM1 9AR, as early as possible.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
How England became England
It is with the landing of Hengest and his war-band at Ebbsfleet on the shores of the Isle of Thanet that English history begins. No spot in Britain can be so sacred to Englishmen as that which first felt the tread of English feet. There is little indeed to catch the eye in Ebbsfleet itself, a mere lift of higher ground with a few grey cottages dotted over it, cut off from the sea now-a-days by a reclaimed meadow and a sea-wall. But taken as a whole the scene has a wild beauty of its own. To the right the white curve of Ramsgate cliffs looks down on the crescent of Pegwell Bay; far away to the left across grey marsh levels, where smoke-wreaths mark the sites of Richborough and Sandwich, rises the dim cliff-line of Deal. Everything in the character of the spot confirms the national tradition which fixed here the first landing-place of our English fathers, for great as the physical changes of the country have been since the fifth century, they have told little on its main features. It is easy to discover in the misty level of the present Minster Marsh what was once a broad inlet of sea parting Thanet from the mainland of Britain, through which the pirate-boats of the first Englishmen came sailing with a fair wind to the little gravel-spit of Ebbsfleet; and Richborough, a fortress whose broken ramparts still rise above the grey flats which have taken the place of this older sea-channel, was the common landing-place of travellers from Gaul. If the war-ships of the English pirates therefore were cruising off the coast at the moment when the bargain with the Britons was concluded, their disembarkation at Ebbsfleet almost beneath the walls of Richborough would be natural enough. But the after-current of events serves to show that the choice of this landing-place was the result of a deliberate design. Between the Briton and his hireling soldiers there could be little mutual confidence. Quarters in Thanet would satisfy the followers of Hengest, who still lay in sight of their fellow-pirates in the Channel, and who felt themselves secured against the treachery which had so often proved fatal to the barbarian by the broad inlet which parted their camp from the mainland. Nor was the choice less satisfactory to the provincial, trembling - and, as the event proved, justly trembling - lest in his zeal against the Pict he had introduced an even fiercer foe into Britain. His dangerous allies were cooped up in a corner of the land, and parted from it by a sea-channel which was guarded by the strongest fortresses of the coast.
The need of such precautions was soon seen in the disputes which arose as soon as the work for which the mercenaries had been hired was done. The Picts were hardly scattered to the winds in a great battle when danger came from the English themselves. Their numbers rapidly increased as the news of the settlement spread among the pirates of the Channel, and with the increase of their number increased the difficulty of supplying rations and pay. The long dispute which rose over these questions was at last closed by the English with a threat of war. The threat, however, as we have seen, was no easy one to carry out. When the English chieftains gave their voice for war, in 449, the inlet between Thanet and the mainland, traversable only at low water, by a long and dangerous ford, and guarded at either mouth by the fortresses of Richborough and Reculver, stretched right across their path. The channels of the Medway and the Cray, with the great circle of the Weald, furnished further lines of defence in the rear, while around lay a population of soldiers, the military colonists of the coast, pledged by terms of feudal service to guard the shore against the barbarian. Great, however, as these difficulties were, they yielded before the suddenness of Hengest's onset. The harbour seems to have been crossed, the coast-road to London seized, before any force could be collected to oppose the English; and it was only when they passed the vast potteries whose refuse still strews the mudbanks of the Medway that they found the river passage secured. The guarded walls of Rochester probably forced them to turn southwards along the ridge of low hills which forms the bound of its river-valley. Their march led them through a district full of memories of a past which had even then faded from the minds of men; for hill and hill-slope were the necropolis of a vanished race, and scattered among the boulders that strewed the ground rose the cromlechs and huge barrows of the dead. One such mighty relic survives in the monument now called Kits' Coty House, the close as it seems of a great sepulchral avenue which linked the graves around it with the grave-ground of Addington. The view of their first battle-field broke on the English warriors from a steep knoll on which the grey weather-beaten stones of this monument are reared, and a lane which still leads down from it through peaceful homesteads guided them across the river-valley to a little village named Aylesford, which marked the ford across the Medway. The chronicle of the conquest tells nothing of the rush that must have carried the ford, or of the fight that went struggling up through the village. It tells only that Horsa fell in the moment of victory; and the flint-heap of Horsted, which has long preserved his name, and was held in after-time to mark his grave, is thus the earliest of those monuments of English valour of which Westminster is the last and noblest shrine.
The victory of Aylesford did more than give East Kent to the English; it struck the key-note of the whole English conquest of Britain. The massacre which followed the battle indicated at once the merciless nature of the struggle which had begun. While the wealthier Kentish landowners fled in panic over sea, the poorer Britons took refuge in hill and forest till hunger drove them from their lurking-places to be cut down or enslaved by their conquerors. It was in vain that some sought shelter within the walls of their churches: for the rage of the English seems to have burned fiercest against the clergy. The priests were slain at the altar, the churches fired, the peasants driven by the flames to fling themselves on a ring of pitiless steel.
Green, JR: A Short History of the English People, 1885, London: Macmillan and Co, pp 7-9.
The need of such precautions was soon seen in the disputes which arose as soon as the work for which the mercenaries had been hired was done. The Picts were hardly scattered to the winds in a great battle when danger came from the English themselves. Their numbers rapidly increased as the news of the settlement spread among the pirates of the Channel, and with the increase of their number increased the difficulty of supplying rations and pay. The long dispute which rose over these questions was at last closed by the English with a threat of war. The threat, however, as we have seen, was no easy one to carry out. When the English chieftains gave their voice for war, in 449, the inlet between Thanet and the mainland, traversable only at low water, by a long and dangerous ford, and guarded at either mouth by the fortresses of Richborough and Reculver, stretched right across their path. The channels of the Medway and the Cray, with the great circle of the Weald, furnished further lines of defence in the rear, while around lay a population of soldiers, the military colonists of the coast, pledged by terms of feudal service to guard the shore against the barbarian. Great, however, as these difficulties were, they yielded before the suddenness of Hengest's onset. The harbour seems to have been crossed, the coast-road to London seized, before any force could be collected to oppose the English; and it was only when they passed the vast potteries whose refuse still strews the mudbanks of the Medway that they found the river passage secured. The guarded walls of Rochester probably forced them to turn southwards along the ridge of low hills which forms the bound of its river-valley. Their march led them through a district full of memories of a past which had even then faded from the minds of men; for hill and hill-slope were the necropolis of a vanished race, and scattered among the boulders that strewed the ground rose the cromlechs and huge barrows of the dead. One such mighty relic survives in the monument now called Kits' Coty House, the close as it seems of a great sepulchral avenue which linked the graves around it with the grave-ground of Addington. The view of their first battle-field broke on the English warriors from a steep knoll on which the grey weather-beaten stones of this monument are reared, and a lane which still leads down from it through peaceful homesteads guided them across the river-valley to a little village named Aylesford, which marked the ford across the Medway. The chronicle of the conquest tells nothing of the rush that must have carried the ford, or of the fight that went struggling up through the village. It tells only that Horsa fell in the moment of victory; and the flint-heap of Horsted, which has long preserved his name, and was held in after-time to mark his grave, is thus the earliest of those monuments of English valour of which Westminster is the last and noblest shrine.
The victory of Aylesford did more than give East Kent to the English; it struck the key-note of the whole English conquest of Britain. The massacre which followed the battle indicated at once the merciless nature of the struggle which had begun. While the wealthier Kentish landowners fled in panic over sea, the poorer Britons took refuge in hill and forest till hunger drove them from their lurking-places to be cut down or enslaved by their conquerors. It was in vain that some sought shelter within the walls of their churches: for the rage of the English seems to have burned fiercest against the clergy. The priests were slain at the altar, the churches fired, the peasants driven by the flames to fling themselves on a ring of pitiless steel.
Green, JR: A Short History of the English People, 1885, London: Macmillan and Co, pp 7-9.
What a Tudhoe!
Activist arrested after march
8:00am Thursday 28th April 2011
A FORMER teacher and British National Party activist [sic, our national organizer!] was arrested following a St George’s Day march.
Adam Walker, from Spennymoor, County Durham, was arrested on Saturday in connection with driving and public order offences.
The alleged incidents happened after members of Spennymoor English Cultural Society met to celebrate St George’s Day. The group earlier marched through the centre of Spennymoor, before moving on to the Green Tree pub, Tudhoe, where Mr Walker was arrested.
He was later released on bail by Durham Police pending inquiries.
The Spennymoor English Cultural Society parade was organised by BNP member Pete Molloy.
The Northern Echo
8:00am Thursday 28th April 2011
A FORMER teacher and British National Party activist [sic, our national organizer!] was arrested following a St George’s Day march.
Adam Walker, from Spennymoor, County Durham, was arrested on Saturday in connection with driving and public order offences.
The alleged incidents happened after members of Spennymoor English Cultural Society met to celebrate St George’s Day. The group earlier marched through the centre of Spennymoor, before moving on to the Green Tree pub, Tudhoe, where Mr Walker was arrested.
He was later released on bail by Durham Police pending inquiries.
The Spennymoor English Cultural Society parade was organised by BNP member Pete Molloy.
The Northern Echo
Have you heard this one? Nick Griffin
April 28, 2011
Burnley BNP candidate's racist slurs on Facebook
A BURNLEY BNP candidate has been condemned for posting racist jibes on his Facebook site.
Christopher Vanns said the entries, uncovered by anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, were ‘just jokes’ in the style of the late Bernard Manning or Cockney comic Jim Davidson.
But critics have blasted the views of Mr Vanns, who is standing in May’s borough council elections for the BNP in the town’s Trinity ward, as ‘offensive’ and ‘unacceptable’.
Searchlight has also uncovered evidence of similar posts by his son, Christopher William Vanns, who is also seeking election in the Rosehill with Burnley Wood ward.
In the posts Mr Vanns senior makes jokes about Asians being drowned, jibes about mixed race babies and people from Pakistan in Emmerdale.
His son, who posts under the name ‘Tiff’ Vanns, also made remarks about black people and stealing and made other slurs against Asian people.
The pair, from the Dugdale Road area of Burnley, admitted posting the comments and jokes.
Mr Vanns said: “At the end of the day they are just jokes. I could make them about white English people. The problem is anyone can say anything they like about white English people though.
“They are just jokes though, they make people laugh. They are not real life, that’s the point, they are just humour.
“I was brought up with the likes of Bernard Manning and Jim Davidson and when you listened to them it didn’t make you go out and attack anyone or confront anyone.
“Everyone laughs at jokes, it doesn’t make them racist.”
His son said: “I just cut and paste jokes on there if I think they’re funny. I’ve posted lots of things and I don’t know anyone who has been offended by them. It’s just one of those things.”
Coun Sharon Wilkinson, BNP group leader in Burnley, yesterday distanced herself from the pair.
She said: “They're not councillors, so it’s absolutely nothing to do with me and I'm not eligible to comment.
"What they do in their private lives and in the privacy of their own homes is up to them. They are not representing the party because they haven't been elected.”
Simon Cressy, of Searchlight, said: “Not only is Chris Vanns a racist but also likes to mock the disabled.
“I doubt the people of Burnley would want someone like Vanns representing them on the local council.”
Burnley MP Gordon Birtwistle said: “I find these remarks totally offensive and totally unaccceptable. It is not the sort of thing we want in Burnley when we are trying to create prosperity for all members of our community.”
Coun Shah Hussain, a Labour councillor in Daneshouse ward, said: “I am not shocked because the BNP is a party that is divisive to our community and if it has people like this running for it, it can only do harm.
“I hope people in the Trinity and Rosehill with Burnley Wood wards will know the kind of characters they are and, through our democratic process, will make the right judgement.
“These people are right-wing extremists and we don't need them in Burnley.”
Coun Peter Doyle, Conservative Party group leader in Burnley, said: “Any form of racism is unacceptable."
Angela Vanns, wife of Christopher senior, is also standing for the BNP in Burnley’s Coal Clough ward.
Lancashire Telegraph
Burnley BNP candidate's racist slurs on Facebook
A BURNLEY BNP candidate has been condemned for posting racist jibes on his Facebook site.
Christopher Vanns said the entries, uncovered by anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, were ‘just jokes’ in the style of the late Bernard Manning or Cockney comic Jim Davidson.
But critics have blasted the views of Mr Vanns, who is standing in May’s borough council elections for the BNP in the town’s Trinity ward, as ‘offensive’ and ‘unacceptable’.
Searchlight has also uncovered evidence of similar posts by his son, Christopher William Vanns, who is also seeking election in the Rosehill with Burnley Wood ward.
In the posts Mr Vanns senior makes jokes about Asians being drowned, jibes about mixed race babies and people from Pakistan in Emmerdale.
His son, who posts under the name ‘Tiff’ Vanns, also made remarks about black people and stealing and made other slurs against Asian people.
The pair, from the Dugdale Road area of Burnley, admitted posting the comments and jokes.
Mr Vanns said: “At the end of the day they are just jokes. I could make them about white English people. The problem is anyone can say anything they like about white English people though.
“They are just jokes though, they make people laugh. They are not real life, that’s the point, they are just humour.
“I was brought up with the likes of Bernard Manning and Jim Davidson and when you listened to them it didn’t make you go out and attack anyone or confront anyone.
“Everyone laughs at jokes, it doesn’t make them racist.”
His son said: “I just cut and paste jokes on there if I think they’re funny. I’ve posted lots of things and I don’t know anyone who has been offended by them. It’s just one of those things.”
Coun Sharon Wilkinson, BNP group leader in Burnley, yesterday distanced herself from the pair.
She said: “They're not councillors, so it’s absolutely nothing to do with me and I'm not eligible to comment.
"What they do in their private lives and in the privacy of their own homes is up to them. They are not representing the party because they haven't been elected.”
Simon Cressy, of Searchlight, said: “Not only is Chris Vanns a racist but also likes to mock the disabled.
“I doubt the people of Burnley would want someone like Vanns representing them on the local council.”
Burnley MP Gordon Birtwistle said: “I find these remarks totally offensive and totally unaccceptable. It is not the sort of thing we want in Burnley when we are trying to create prosperity for all members of our community.”
Coun Shah Hussain, a Labour councillor in Daneshouse ward, said: “I am not shocked because the BNP is a party that is divisive to our community and if it has people like this running for it, it can only do harm.
“I hope people in the Trinity and Rosehill with Burnley Wood wards will know the kind of characters they are and, through our democratic process, will make the right judgement.
“These people are right-wing extremists and we don't need them in Burnley.”
Coun Peter Doyle, Conservative Party group leader in Burnley, said: “Any form of racism is unacceptable."
Angela Vanns, wife of Christopher senior, is also standing for the BNP in Burnley’s Coal Clough ward.
Lancashire Telegraph
Richard Edmonds announces his challenge
At a crowded meeting of British National Party activists in the City of London yesterday (Wednesday, 27 April) evening, party legend and tireless campaigner Richard Edmonds announced his candidature for the leadership of the BNP.
Richard's announcement was met by an enthusiastic standing ovation. Richard then proceeded to speak of his long and highly distinguished record of activism within the BNP and the nationalist movement, as well as of the imperative need for new leadership of our party.
Richard will be addressing a meeting of nationalists in Mottingham, south east London, this evening. Rendezvous at Mottingham railway station between 7 pm and 7.15 pm. The contact number for the meeting is 07909901880.
Richard will also be the main speaker at the Shaping our Future Leadership Challenge Conference in the East Midlands, on Sunday, 15 May. Please refer to earlier posts for booking details.
Richard's announcement was met by an enthusiastic standing ovation. Richard then proceeded to speak of his long and highly distinguished record of activism within the BNP and the nationalist movement, as well as of the imperative need for new leadership of our party.
Richard will be addressing a meeting of nationalists in Mottingham, south east London, this evening. Rendezvous at Mottingham railway station between 7 pm and 7.15 pm. The contact number for the meeting is 07909901880.
Richard will also be the main speaker at the Shaping our Future Leadership Challenge Conference in the East Midlands, on Sunday, 15 May. Please refer to earlier posts for booking details.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Shaping our Future
The conference will present the merits of a leadership challenge for 2011, at the conclusion of which the Candidate for Leader of the British National Party will address the meeting.
This is a heavily subsidized event. However, to cover the cost of the buffet there will be a small charge of five pounds per person on the day.
Only guests with a reserved booking will be admitted to the conference. To reserve your place: ring the conference 'phone number on 077 84 658 910.
Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. Should the 'phone line be busy please try again after a few minutes.
Should you wish to stay overnight, Bed and Breakfast can be arranged at a room rate of approximately seventy pounds.
I look forward to seeing you on the day.
The Campaign Manager
Leadership Challenge 2011
The conference will present the merits of a leadership challenge for 2011, at the conclusion of which the Candidate for Leader of the British National Party will address the meeting.
This is a heavily subsidized event. However, to cover the cost of the buffet there will be a small charge of five pounds per person on the day.
Only guests with a reserved booking will be admitted to the conference. To reserve your place: ring the conference 'phone number on 077 84 658 910.
Places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. Should the 'phone line be busy please try again after a few minutes.
Should you wish to stay overnight, Bed and Breakfast can be arranged at a room rate of approximately seventy pounds.
I look forward to seeing you on the day.
The Campaign Manager
Leadership Challenge 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
Party news round-up (with no spin)
The BNP Truth Truck, Parish Councillors and Kieren Trent
Written by Green Arrow for the British Resistance web site
Monday, 25 April 2011 11:21
Let us have a quick round up of what is happening in the sadly shrinking world of the British National Party, most of the news you will already have read over on their site, which seems to be ticking along OK without Arthur Kemp but who is still greatly missed by many nationalists.
However that said, here is my take on the stories reported and some other news.
First off, The Truth Truck. It is back in action, which is good news, however it should not have been off the road in the first place. However Clive Jefferson did say something of interest in the announcement of its return to the campaign trail;
"Our management team listens very carefully to the concerns of members and ensures that action is taken.
"Activists told us they wanted the Truth Truck back on the road. We listened, and we delivered what they asked for."
Well it is good that the Party is finally listening to the activists but there is something wrong with the BNP's leadership when they have to be TOLD by the members how to run a campaign. Perhaps it was this article here, Let us get the British National Party Truth Truck back on the Road, written by myself that finally nudged them into action and got the Truth Truck rolling again? Better late than never as they say. Perhaps a part of the purpose of this site is to kick the party into action?
Now then, I do not know about you but I do not like Spin (I will not do it again) and I think the BNP would do better, to just report the truth than be caught spinning. The site is proudly boasting that Six More British National Party Councillors have been Elected.
Again Clive Jefferson exposes those who have been planning BNP strategy as being not fit for purpose when he writes:
"This year we have started our first ever initiative to occupy the lower tier seats in local government, and it has been an unmitigated success, with dozens of Parish and Town Councillors elected already.
“This is just the start, as we intend to keep pushing through onto these councils constantly from now on."
This is just bloody disgusting. This is a strategy that should have been implemented from the very birth of the British National Party. We should use the Parish Council positions as stepping stones to County Councillors, in fact I posted this article, The Importance of Parish Councillors, over three years ago. It is still a good article for those interested in the duties and powers of Parish Councillors.
Now, it is a pleasant change to write something good about Adam Walker after he dropped the ball by playing into the hands of the establishment by getting himself arrested for not wearing a seat belt and littering. Adam along with Organiser Pete Malloy organised a St George's Day parade in Spennymore, despite the unpatriotic council not authorising it by using the excuses of risk assesment and insurance. Well done Adam and Pete.
Onto now, young Master Kieren Trent, who as far I know, is still the leader of the young BNP Resistance. A new site called England is Ours, is reporting that Kieren has been arrested and his computer equipment been seized following a demonstration against a Dhimmi councillor who sold out his country and people by voting to allow a mosque to be build, despite the protests and wishes of local residents. Apparently there is video footage and we will publish it once we have access.
Still on the subject of young Master Trent, I am not sure where he is coming from these days, as he was recently photographed out campaigning for Chris Beverly of the anti-British and anti-white, Roll over and Die Party, called the English Democrats.
Now it is all well and good, Kieren saying that he was out helping his friend Chris in his election campaign, the point is that the English Democrats are diametrically opposed to the British National Party. You cannot run with the fox and hunt with the hounds Kieren and so it is make your mind up time. BNP or English Democrats? My opinion is this, the British National Party leadership may be corrupt and incompetent but at least they are pro-British and still pro-white.
With regards to the Welsh Assembly campaign, there is not much I can say. Several Welsh activists have asked me why our site is not publishing anything about it.
I asked them to send me images and reports themselves but they declined saying they have been instructed not to! I asked if they did not find this strange but I must confess that at least two of them sounded rather frightened of certain notorious Welsh Activists who have a down on me personally and this site. Shameful.
I can also tell you this. There is a story out there, that if it is picked up by the media before the elections, then Wales BNP will be severely punished at the polls. If the press do pick it up, I will report it, otherwise I will remain silent until after the election. Will Brian Mahoney have the courage to sort it out, I doubt it.
Finally, it is my intention to attend, and also take with me a video cameraman to film and report on, The Way Forward Conference on May 14th. I then intend to travel over the next day (15th) to where the grass roots are having a Leadership Challenge Conference, Shaping Our Future, and get a report on that event also.
Now the unpleasant bit. The road to hell they say, is paved with good intentions. My intentions are to attend both these events and report on them for you.
However the roads to these events sucks up petrol like it is going out of fashion and you KNOW what the price of fuel is, so if you can assist us by making a donation then please do so. There is also a need to buy some new tapes and camera tripod.
As usual the site also needs to meet its monthly bills and again we are struggling. Like I have said so many times before, without your support we are sunk.
UPDATE 12:42
BNP Training Officer Mike Howson responds to this article on his site and very interesting information is revealed.
Written by Green Arrow for the British Resistance web site
Monday, 25 April 2011 11:21
Let us have a quick round up of what is happening in the sadly shrinking world of the British National Party, most of the news you will already have read over on their site, which seems to be ticking along OK without Arthur Kemp but who is still greatly missed by many nationalists.
However that said, here is my take on the stories reported and some other news.
First off, The Truth Truck. It is back in action, which is good news, however it should not have been off the road in the first place. However Clive Jefferson did say something of interest in the announcement of its return to the campaign trail;
"Our management team listens very carefully to the concerns of members and ensures that action is taken.
"Activists told us they wanted the Truth Truck back on the road. We listened, and we delivered what they asked for."
Well it is good that the Party is finally listening to the activists but there is something wrong with the BNP's leadership when they have to be TOLD by the members how to run a campaign. Perhaps it was this article here, Let us get the British National Party Truth Truck back on the Road, written by myself that finally nudged them into action and got the Truth Truck rolling again? Better late than never as they say. Perhaps a part of the purpose of this site is to kick the party into action?
Now then, I do not know about you but I do not like Spin (I will not do it again) and I think the BNP would do better, to just report the truth than be caught spinning. The site is proudly boasting that Six More British National Party Councillors have been Elected.
Again Clive Jefferson exposes those who have been planning BNP strategy as being not fit for purpose when he writes:
"This year we have started our first ever initiative to occupy the lower tier seats in local government, and it has been an unmitigated success, with dozens of Parish and Town Councillors elected already.
“This is just the start, as we intend to keep pushing through onto these councils constantly from now on."
This is just bloody disgusting. This is a strategy that should have been implemented from the very birth of the British National Party. We should use the Parish Council positions as stepping stones to County Councillors, in fact I posted this article, The Importance of Parish Councillors, over three years ago. It is still a good article for those interested in the duties and powers of Parish Councillors.
Now, it is a pleasant change to write something good about Adam Walker after he dropped the ball by playing into the hands of the establishment by getting himself arrested for not wearing a seat belt and littering. Adam along with Organiser Pete Malloy organised a St George's Day parade in Spennymore, despite the unpatriotic council not authorising it by using the excuses of risk assesment and insurance. Well done Adam and Pete.
Onto now, young Master Kieren Trent, who as far I know, is still the leader of the young BNP Resistance. A new site called England is Ours, is reporting that Kieren has been arrested and his computer equipment been seized following a demonstration against a Dhimmi councillor who sold out his country and people by voting to allow a mosque to be build, despite the protests and wishes of local residents. Apparently there is video footage and we will publish it once we have access.
Still on the subject of young Master Trent, I am not sure where he is coming from these days, as he was recently photographed out campaigning for Chris Beverly of the anti-British and anti-white, Roll over and Die Party, called the English Democrats.
Now it is all well and good, Kieren saying that he was out helping his friend Chris in his election campaign, the point is that the English Democrats are diametrically opposed to the British National Party. You cannot run with the fox and hunt with the hounds Kieren and so it is make your mind up time. BNP or English Democrats? My opinion is this, the British National Party leadership may be corrupt and incompetent but at least they are pro-British and still pro-white.
With regards to the Welsh Assembly campaign, there is not much I can say. Several Welsh activists have asked me why our site is not publishing anything about it.
I asked them to send me images and reports themselves but they declined saying they have been instructed not to! I asked if they did not find this strange but I must confess that at least two of them sounded rather frightened of certain notorious Welsh Activists who have a down on me personally and this site. Shameful.
I can also tell you this. There is a story out there, that if it is picked up by the media before the elections, then Wales BNP will be severely punished at the polls. If the press do pick it up, I will report it, otherwise I will remain silent until after the election. Will Brian Mahoney have the courage to sort it out, I doubt it.
Finally, it is my intention to attend, and also take with me a video cameraman to film and report on, The Way Forward Conference on May 14th. I then intend to travel over the next day (15th) to where the grass roots are having a Leadership Challenge Conference, Shaping Our Future, and get a report on that event also.
Now the unpleasant bit. The road to hell they say, is paved with good intentions. My intentions are to attend both these events and report on them for you.
However the roads to these events sucks up petrol like it is going out of fashion and you KNOW what the price of fuel is, so if you can assist us by making a donation then please do so. There is also a need to buy some new tapes and camera tripod.
As usual the site also needs to meet its monthly bills and again we are struggling. Like I have said so many times before, without your support we are sunk.
UPDATE 12:42
BNP Training Officer Mike Howson responds to this article on his site and very interesting information is revealed.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Easter in Alchevsk, Ukraine
A few years ago the town of Alchevsk in the south east of Ukraine (the word means "Borderland" in Russian) suffered a public health crisis when the obsolescent heating system for its public housing failed in the middle of a severe winter, due to inadequate maintenance.
Certain local community leaders, it would appear, had been negligent in the performance of their duty to serve the public trust, and were duly replaced. Under new leadership, and with the whole community of patriotic Ukraine helping their brothers and sisters of Alchevsk, catastrophe was narrowly averted, and the crisis successfully overcome.
Easter is a time when we think of new life, of re-birth, renewal and resurrection. It is a time of hope for the future, when new possibilities appear on the horizon. But for these possibilities to become a reality we must each be prepared to make sacrifices. To bring a city's public heating system, or a political party, such as the British National Party, back from the dead, to resurrect it, to give it new life, and new leadership, requires faith, hope, and hard work. But through such a labour of love what miracles may not be achieved?
Saturday, 23 April 2011
The English Democrats: a civic nationalist dustbin
The following article was recently published on Lee Barnes' blog, 21st Century British Nationalism. While the pretended distinction which Lee tries to draw between nationalism and patriotism is unconvincing, and does a serious injustice to the meaning of the word patriot, he nevertheless makes some important observations which are true, with regard both to the English Democrats, and to certain individuals who have been publicly promoting them.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Chris Bev and the EDP
All the best to Chris Bev as regards him leaving the BNP and standing as a candidate for the EDP, but I believe he has made a serious mistake.
Everyone knows that for the last six months many ex members of the BNP, such as Eddy Butler, Jim Dowson, Paul Golding and Mark Collett, have all been working either directly or indirectly with the English Democrats Party whilst pushing for reform in the BNP.
( I have spoken to Eddy and he states that there has been no plan to filter people into the EDP and that the fact that he 'bigs up' the EDP as an alternative to the BNP is concidental ).
Not only was this fundamentally dishonest, it has damaged both the case for reform in the BNP and also ensured that any future leadership challengers will be regarded with suspicion. [Emphasis mine, AE].
It appears that the reform group have realised that the process has been flawed from the start, and are therefore now simply jumping ship. [On the contrary, most of us are preparing to support a leadership challenge, AE].
The English Democrats are a civic nationalist party.
They are not ethno-nationalist, racial nationalist or even cultural nationalists.
They believe that as long as you live in England, then you are English.
This is total nonsense.
There are the Ethnic English Folk who create and sustain English culture, culturally integrated English civic citizens from non-Ethnic English heritage and then there are colonists.
The basis of England is the indigenous English people who create and sustain indigenous English culture.
The moment you change the ethnic nature of a nation, the nation is undermined.
If China invaded England and ethnically cleansed the entire indigenous English people from England and imported in millions of colonists, do you think England would exist ?
Of course not, the colonists would impose their own chinese culture on English territory.
A culture comes from the people.
Remove the people, and you remove the culture of that nation.
For Chris Bev to go from the racial nationalism of the BNP to the civic nationalism of the EDP is illogical.
Either the EDP are being fundamentally dishonest or Chris Bev has jumped too soon.
Here is what the EDP say on their website ;
" Our party welcomes anyone on the electoral roll of England to join, irrespective of background. All who identify with and feel themselves to be English are welcome. "
"The People of England
The people of England are all those UK citizens who live in England. In electoral terms, the people of England are all those UK citizens who are on the electoral roll of an English constituency. The people of England therefore includes the people of many nations, all of whom share a common UK citizenship. "
See what I mean.
Totally pathetic.
There is no committment by the EDP to the three nationalist fundamentals ;
1) to the principle of protecting the demographic numerical superiority of the indigenous English people in perpetuity,
2) no committment to the principle that England and English culture derive from the indigenous English people and that all immigrants must integrate or be deported and that all immigration must stop
3) and no statement that the EDP will work to ensure the removal of all colonists to ensure the continued demographic superiority of the indigenous English people in perpetuity within England.
In fact the statements reveal a fundamental lack of knowledge as regards who the English people are and why England will vanish without them.
That is not a NATIONALIST position.
That is a PATRIOTIC position.
Those who love their folk are NATIONALISTS.
Those who love their country are PATRIOTS.
Chris Bev is a NATIONALIST primarily and a patriot secondly.
A nationalist realises that an England without the indigenous English people is not England, it is a multi-cultural hell hole.
A nationalist will rise up and resist the government of his own country in order to protect his people.
A patriot is simply a lickspittle of whatever corporate media elected political puppet government is in power, and their cry of 'My country right and wrong' is the cry of the feeble minded idiot.
For nationalists to confuse patriotism with nationalism, shows us that the nationalist movement has been led by idiots who have no idea of the politics they are espousing to the people.
If nationalists do not know the difference between nationalism and patriotism, then why should we blame the British people if they also do not know the difference.
If a corrupt British puppet government of the UN, EU or the Murdoch Media Empire decided to open the borders of Britain up and allow in millions upon millions of immigrant colonists into Britain to colonise my country and turn the indigenous people of Britain into a minority in our own country, then I would not be supporting that government or my country by saying 'my country and government right or wrong'.
If Germany had invaded England during WW2 and the British government signed a peace deal whereby Britain was governed by a joint British-German government, would I have sat back and said 'well they are the government and I love my country' ?
I would not have been building bridges between the German colonists and the British people, I would have been out in the woods with the rest of the British National Resistance Movement blowing bridges up.
If either of those scenarios occurred then I would be labelled by those governments as a 'terrorist' whilst I would define myself as a 'freedom fighter'.
My enemy would have been my own 'government' as much as the German colonists.
Any Englishman who would sit on their arse whilst their country is colonised and their own folk are dispossessed of their homeland and culture is a pathetic traitor.
The EDP cannot win political power.
Even if they did, they would not be able to solve Englands problems - in fact as they repudiate the idea that the ethnic English create and sustain England and English culture, then they would substantially aggravate the problems for us as British Nationalists.
They would be first ones bleating about 'racism' as we began the deportation of their pseudo-English voting base comprised of colonists who self define themselves as English but who have no regard for the rights of the indigenous Ethnic English people.
English Civic Nationalism is the enemy of both the indigenous English and British Nationalism.
If Chris Bev has not understood that then he needs to get on board with the programme ASAP.
As it is he will not win his council seat back, simply as people do not like politicians who are turncoats.
English Nationalism is the wave that has crested and crashed, it is not the wave of the future.
The political wave of the future is British Cultural Nationalism.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Chris Bev and the EDP
All the best to Chris Bev as regards him leaving the BNP and standing as a candidate for the EDP, but I believe he has made a serious mistake.
Everyone knows that for the last six months many ex members of the BNP, such as Eddy Butler, Jim Dowson, Paul Golding and Mark Collett, have all been working either directly or indirectly with the English Democrats Party whilst pushing for reform in the BNP.
( I have spoken to Eddy and he states that there has been no plan to filter people into the EDP and that the fact that he 'bigs up' the EDP as an alternative to the BNP is concidental ).
Not only was this fundamentally dishonest, it has damaged both the case for reform in the BNP and also ensured that any future leadership challengers will be regarded with suspicion. [Emphasis mine, AE].
It appears that the reform group have realised that the process has been flawed from the start, and are therefore now simply jumping ship. [On the contrary, most of us are preparing to support a leadership challenge, AE].
The English Democrats are a civic nationalist party.
They are not ethno-nationalist, racial nationalist or even cultural nationalists.
They believe that as long as you live in England, then you are English.
This is total nonsense.
There are the Ethnic English Folk who create and sustain English culture, culturally integrated English civic citizens from non-Ethnic English heritage and then there are colonists.
The basis of England is the indigenous English people who create and sustain indigenous English culture.
The moment you change the ethnic nature of a nation, the nation is undermined.
If China invaded England and ethnically cleansed the entire indigenous English people from England and imported in millions of colonists, do you think England would exist ?
Of course not, the colonists would impose their own chinese culture on English territory.
A culture comes from the people.
Remove the people, and you remove the culture of that nation.
For Chris Bev to go from the racial nationalism of the BNP to the civic nationalism of the EDP is illogical.
Either the EDP are being fundamentally dishonest or Chris Bev has jumped too soon.
Here is what the EDP say on their website ;
" Our party welcomes anyone on the electoral roll of England to join, irrespective of background. All who identify with and feel themselves to be English are welcome. "
"The People of England
The people of England are all those UK citizens who live in England. In electoral terms, the people of England are all those UK citizens who are on the electoral roll of an English constituency. The people of England therefore includes the people of many nations, all of whom share a common UK citizenship. "
See what I mean.
Totally pathetic.
There is no committment by the EDP to the three nationalist fundamentals ;
1) to the principle of protecting the demographic numerical superiority of the indigenous English people in perpetuity,
2) no committment to the principle that England and English culture derive from the indigenous English people and that all immigrants must integrate or be deported and that all immigration must stop
3) and no statement that the EDP will work to ensure the removal of all colonists to ensure the continued demographic superiority of the indigenous English people in perpetuity within England.
In fact the statements reveal a fundamental lack of knowledge as regards who the English people are and why England will vanish without them.
That is not a NATIONALIST position.
That is a PATRIOTIC position.
Those who love their folk are NATIONALISTS.
Those who love their country are PATRIOTS.
Chris Bev is a NATIONALIST primarily and a patriot secondly.
A nationalist realises that an England without the indigenous English people is not England, it is a multi-cultural hell hole.
A nationalist will rise up and resist the government of his own country in order to protect his people.
A patriot is simply a lickspittle of whatever corporate media elected political puppet government is in power, and their cry of 'My country right and wrong' is the cry of the feeble minded idiot.
For nationalists to confuse patriotism with nationalism, shows us that the nationalist movement has been led by idiots who have no idea of the politics they are espousing to the people.
If nationalists do not know the difference between nationalism and patriotism, then why should we blame the British people if they also do not know the difference.
If a corrupt British puppet government of the UN, EU or the Murdoch Media Empire decided to open the borders of Britain up and allow in millions upon millions of immigrant colonists into Britain to colonise my country and turn the indigenous people of Britain into a minority in our own country, then I would not be supporting that government or my country by saying 'my country and government right or wrong'.
If Germany had invaded England during WW2 and the British government signed a peace deal whereby Britain was governed by a joint British-German government, would I have sat back and said 'well they are the government and I love my country' ?
I would not have been building bridges between the German colonists and the British people, I would have been out in the woods with the rest of the British National Resistance Movement blowing bridges up.
If either of those scenarios occurred then I would be labelled by those governments as a 'terrorist' whilst I would define myself as a 'freedom fighter'.
My enemy would have been my own 'government' as much as the German colonists.
Any Englishman who would sit on their arse whilst their country is colonised and their own folk are dispossessed of their homeland and culture is a pathetic traitor.
The EDP cannot win political power.
Even if they did, they would not be able to solve Englands problems - in fact as they repudiate the idea that the ethnic English create and sustain England and English culture, then they would substantially aggravate the problems for us as British Nationalists.
They would be first ones bleating about 'racism' as we began the deportation of their pseudo-English voting base comprised of colonists who self define themselves as English but who have no regard for the rights of the indigenous Ethnic English people.
English Civic Nationalism is the enemy of both the indigenous English and British Nationalism.
If Chris Bev has not understood that then he needs to get on board with the programme ASAP.
As it is he will not win his council seat back, simply as people do not like politicians who are turncoats.
English Nationalism is the wave that has crested and crashed, it is not the wave of the future.
The political wave of the future is British Cultural Nationalism.
The view from the (Legal) Eagle's Nest
While Lee Barnes, whose article this is, tends often to be something of a hyperbolist, much of what he says in this article rings true. I agree with much of it, though obviously not, for example, his cultural nationalism, whose growing relative success on the continent has far more to do with the charismatic and competent leaders of cultural nationalist parties, and the proportional representation of other European countries' electoral systems, than it has to do with the 'ideology' of 'cultural' nationalism itself, as distinct from that of ethnonationalism.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Eddy and the BNP Reform Con
[First published on Lee Barnes' Blog, 21st Century British Nationalism.]
I note on Eddy Butlers latest blog post that he blames the British Freedom Party and myself personally for the failure of the reform group, that he led, to oust Nick Griffin as leader of the BNP.
Thats strange, as I was never even a member of the reform group.
Well to be frank Eddy has to blame anything and anyone but himself, as usual, but the recent revelation of Eddys dealing with the EDP, and the increasingly shrill attempts by his idiot sock puppets like Sharon Ebanks on the BDF forum to justify his duplicity whilst attacking me personally, raise some interesting issues.
I never got involved in the reform group simply as it was Eddys way to gain himself power in the BNP - and I have been opposed to Eddy being the leader of the BNP all along.
The reform group was set up to seek reform inside the BNP, it was then hijacked by Eddy for himself.
Eddy is not suitable to lead the BNP, simply as he is Nick Griffins twin as regards his personality and because of the various 'wrong 'uns' who surround him.
A BNP with Sharon Ebanks, Jim Dowson, Paul Golding and Mark Collett in it would be the political version of The Munsters - a real comic book of a party.
What is tragic most of all though is the damage done to the BNP by the Eddy Butler Reform con itself.
All the time that the Reform Group have been seeking to change the BNP, Eddy and his cabal of drooling, swivel eyed sock puppets hijacked and split the reform group for their own agenda - to tear the BNP apart and allow the EDP to exploit the resultant damage.
Eddy was happy for Simon Bennett to design and run his leadership challenge website and the reform website, but refused to publicly support or back Simon for the abysmal treatment meted out to him and his family. Aside from lying that Simon was behind his website, he is now back in bed with Dowson and Golding - the two equally responsible for the BNP collapse as Griffin is!
The tragedy is that the majority of the members of the reform group were totally unaware of the real agenda behind Eddys takeover of the reform group, as they were being used as much as everyone else who wanted change in the BNP.
This was a disgusting thing to do.
I left the BNP as I believe that Griffin is now a toxic leader who alienates public support for the party, which will be proved when the BNP get ZERO councillors elected apart from those who are unelected into positions on parish councils.
We set up the British Freedom Party as we believe that Griffin will never run a fair leadership election in the BNP under his Stalinist constitution, and therefore staying in the party and hoping for change was a total waste of time.
At no time did we seek to damage the BNP or poach BNP members.
We do not - and never have - sought to steal BNP members from the BNP.
We are Cultural Nationalists, not racial nationalists, and our ideology is as distant from racial nationalism as it is from civic nationalism.
What we wanted, and still do, is for the BNP to remain a viable racial nationalist party so that the racial nationalist ideology exists as a political choice in our so called 'democratic system' for people to vote for and also to ensure those undisciplined members of the BNP who are not motivated by reason but by hate, of which there are a sizeable group sadly, to remain where they are and not to infect our party with their factionalism, hatred of other nationalists and petty ideologlical feuds.
Our problem as a party was that we recruited into the Freedom Party a tiny collection of pseudo-nationalist reactionary Tory egotists whose ill discipline and treachery, learnt by osmosis via them once being in the BNP and the Reform Group, caused damage to the Freedom Parties development.
Luckily they are gone now and we can refocus on growth, but the damage done by this tiny collection of numbnuts and martinets had caused us real problems.
The fact that those people were members of the Reform Group, and also disgruntled ex-members of the BNP with a chip on their shoulders, should have alerted us to their unsuitability as people to be given positions in our party.
We live and we learn.
But the greatest tragedy of all has been the damage done to the BNP by the BNP reform agenda in order for the EDP to benefit.
The BFP want the BNP to do well in elections, just as we want all nationalist political parties to do well in elections ( though we do not regard the EDP as nationalists as they are plastic patriots masquerading as nationalists ) and we despise the damage that has been done to the BNP.
Though we have had issues with Griffin as individuals, and we also believe the BNP as a brand has been damaged by Griffin, we do not want the BNP and its ideology to be destroyed.
The reform agenda has benefited neither British Nationalism nor English Nationalism, all it has done is benefit a cabal of SinnFein adoring civic nationalist lickspittles who want to break up the British union in a fit of political pique and then work with ex-IRA terrorists to destroy the sacred unity of our nation itself.
That is unnaceptable to us as British Nationalists.
I like Eddy Butler, he is a man of enormous talents undermined only by his enormous ego.
If he could keep his ego on a leash, and control his innate Machiavellian nature, then he would be a real potential leader for the BNP.
But he cannot do that - for it is part of his political DNA to play insidious political games in the shadows whilst using his coterie of brainless sock puppets to fetch and carry for him.
The use of the reform agenda to undermine the BNP to benefit the EDP is disgraceful.
Those complicit in that treachery should be ashamed of themselves.
We in the British Freedom Party wanted solely the best for the BNP, until we decided to leave the party and form our own.
The decision taken by Jefferson to launch his own idiot army of BNP sock puppets to attack us on the internet was a very stupid thing to do - simply as we never represneted a threat to the BNP.
Those who like Iron Bru rarely like Pepsi.
There was space enough in the nationaloist political spectrum for both our parties to benefit - but once we were attacked, then we had to respond in kind - and be assured that if we are attacked again in the future by any side at any time we will respond again - with all guns blazing.
We do not just lay there when we are kicked and take it.
Rather we will rip the leg off those that kick us and then club them to death with it - rhetorically and metaphorically speaking of course.
We are nationalists, and nationalists are not cowards.
Peoples best bet is to just leave us alone and let us get on with what we need to do, for the more we are attacked - then be assured we will respond.
But my primary message is this.
I wish to pass on to all BNP candidates brave enough to put their heads above the political parapet and stand for election in the forthcoming local elections all our best.
We hope you do well and that British Nationalism does well, though we also believe that this is not likely to happen.
But the fact remains we salute all those brave British men and women who have chosen to be BNP candidates in the elections.
You are the people whose honourable actions reedem our nations disgrace at the hands of the corrupt political establishment.
We also salute all those other nationalists from all nationalist political parties also standing in the elections and also wish them well.
As for the EDP, we hope they fail to get a single councillor elected.
The leadership of the EDP worked with the plotters in the reform group to undermine British Nationalism whilst seeking to exploit the internal chaos in the British Nationalist movement.
For that they deserve nothing but contempt.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Eddy and the BNP Reform Con
[First published on Lee Barnes' Blog, 21st Century British Nationalism.]
I note on Eddy Butlers latest blog post that he blames the British Freedom Party and myself personally for the failure of the reform group, that he led, to oust Nick Griffin as leader of the BNP.
Thats strange, as I was never even a member of the reform group.
Well to be frank Eddy has to blame anything and anyone but himself, as usual, but the recent revelation of Eddys dealing with the EDP, and the increasingly shrill attempts by his idiot sock puppets like Sharon Ebanks on the BDF forum to justify his duplicity whilst attacking me personally, raise some interesting issues.
I never got involved in the reform group simply as it was Eddys way to gain himself power in the BNP - and I have been opposed to Eddy being the leader of the BNP all along.
The reform group was set up to seek reform inside the BNP, it was then hijacked by Eddy for himself.
Eddy is not suitable to lead the BNP, simply as he is Nick Griffins twin as regards his personality and because of the various 'wrong 'uns' who surround him.
A BNP with Sharon Ebanks, Jim Dowson, Paul Golding and Mark Collett in it would be the political version of The Munsters - a real comic book of a party.
What is tragic most of all though is the damage done to the BNP by the Eddy Butler Reform con itself.
All the time that the Reform Group have been seeking to change the BNP, Eddy and his cabal of drooling, swivel eyed sock puppets hijacked and split the reform group for their own agenda - to tear the BNP apart and allow the EDP to exploit the resultant damage.
Eddy was happy for Simon Bennett to design and run his leadership challenge website and the reform website, but refused to publicly support or back Simon for the abysmal treatment meted out to him and his family. Aside from lying that Simon was behind his website, he is now back in bed with Dowson and Golding - the two equally responsible for the BNP collapse as Griffin is!
The tragedy is that the majority of the members of the reform group were totally unaware of the real agenda behind Eddys takeover of the reform group, as they were being used as much as everyone else who wanted change in the BNP.
This was a disgusting thing to do.
I left the BNP as I believe that Griffin is now a toxic leader who alienates public support for the party, which will be proved when the BNP get ZERO councillors elected apart from those who are unelected into positions on parish councils.
We set up the British Freedom Party as we believe that Griffin will never run a fair leadership election in the BNP under his Stalinist constitution, and therefore staying in the party and hoping for change was a total waste of time.
At no time did we seek to damage the BNP or poach BNP members.
We do not - and never have - sought to steal BNP members from the BNP.
We are Cultural Nationalists, not racial nationalists, and our ideology is as distant from racial nationalism as it is from civic nationalism.
What we wanted, and still do, is for the BNP to remain a viable racial nationalist party so that the racial nationalist ideology exists as a political choice in our so called 'democratic system' for people to vote for and also to ensure those undisciplined members of the BNP who are not motivated by reason but by hate, of which there are a sizeable group sadly, to remain where they are and not to infect our party with their factionalism, hatred of other nationalists and petty ideologlical feuds.
Our problem as a party was that we recruited into the Freedom Party a tiny collection of pseudo-nationalist reactionary Tory egotists whose ill discipline and treachery, learnt by osmosis via them once being in the BNP and the Reform Group, caused damage to the Freedom Parties development.
Luckily they are gone now and we can refocus on growth, but the damage done by this tiny collection of numbnuts and martinets had caused us real problems.
The fact that those people were members of the Reform Group, and also disgruntled ex-members of the BNP with a chip on their shoulders, should have alerted us to their unsuitability as people to be given positions in our party.
We live and we learn.
But the greatest tragedy of all has been the damage done to the BNP by the BNP reform agenda in order for the EDP to benefit.
The BFP want the BNP to do well in elections, just as we want all nationalist political parties to do well in elections ( though we do not regard the EDP as nationalists as they are plastic patriots masquerading as nationalists ) and we despise the damage that has been done to the BNP.
Though we have had issues with Griffin as individuals, and we also believe the BNP as a brand has been damaged by Griffin, we do not want the BNP and its ideology to be destroyed.
The reform agenda has benefited neither British Nationalism nor English Nationalism, all it has done is benefit a cabal of SinnFein adoring civic nationalist lickspittles who want to break up the British union in a fit of political pique and then work with ex-IRA terrorists to destroy the sacred unity of our nation itself.
That is unnaceptable to us as British Nationalists.
I like Eddy Butler, he is a man of enormous talents undermined only by his enormous ego.
If he could keep his ego on a leash, and control his innate Machiavellian nature, then he would be a real potential leader for the BNP.
But he cannot do that - for it is part of his political DNA to play insidious political games in the shadows whilst using his coterie of brainless sock puppets to fetch and carry for him.
The use of the reform agenda to undermine the BNP to benefit the EDP is disgraceful.
Those complicit in that treachery should be ashamed of themselves.
We in the British Freedom Party wanted solely the best for the BNP, until we decided to leave the party and form our own.
The decision taken by Jefferson to launch his own idiot army of BNP sock puppets to attack us on the internet was a very stupid thing to do - simply as we never represneted a threat to the BNP.
Those who like Iron Bru rarely like Pepsi.
There was space enough in the nationaloist political spectrum for both our parties to benefit - but once we were attacked, then we had to respond in kind - and be assured that if we are attacked again in the future by any side at any time we will respond again - with all guns blazing.
We do not just lay there when we are kicked and take it.
Rather we will rip the leg off those that kick us and then club them to death with it - rhetorically and metaphorically speaking of course.
We are nationalists, and nationalists are not cowards.
Peoples best bet is to just leave us alone and let us get on with what we need to do, for the more we are attacked - then be assured we will respond.
But my primary message is this.
I wish to pass on to all BNP candidates brave enough to put their heads above the political parapet and stand for election in the forthcoming local elections all our best.
We hope you do well and that British Nationalism does well, though we also believe that this is not likely to happen.
But the fact remains we salute all those brave British men and women who have chosen to be BNP candidates in the elections.
You are the people whose honourable actions reedem our nations disgrace at the hands of the corrupt political establishment.
We also salute all those other nationalists from all nationalist political parties also standing in the elections and also wish them well.
As for the EDP, we hope they fail to get a single councillor elected.
The leadership of the EDP worked with the plotters in the reform group to undermine British Nationalism whilst seeking to exploit the internal chaos in the British Nationalist movement.
For that they deserve nothing but contempt.
England and Saint George
With grateful acknowledgement of Donald Attwater's work "The Penguin Dictionary of Saints".
GEORGE, martyr. Third - fourth century; feast day 23 April. St George, patron saint of the Kingdom of England, of soldiers, of boy-scouts, and titular saint of numerous churches throughout the world, was one of the most famous of the early martyrs, and his reputation is still alive particularly in the East. But no historically reliable particulars of his life have survived; and such are the vagaries of his legend that earnest endeavours have been made to prove that he did not exist, or that he was someone else, or that he represents a Christianized version of one or another of the pagan myths. These endeavours have been more remarkable for their ingenuity than for their cogency. Veneration for St George as a soldier saint was widespread from early times, and its centre was in Palestine, at Diospolis, now Lydda. St George was probably martyred there at the end of the third or beginning of the fourth century. That is all that may be reasonably surmised about him. As early as the beginning of the sixth century he was referred to as a good man "whose deeds are known only to God".
Legends of St George exist in a large variety of forms, in which scholars have not been able to detect a single reliable detail. The story popularized by the book "The Golden Legend" in the later middle ages represents him as a knight from Cappadocia, who at Silene in Libya, rescued a maiden from a dragon, which led to the baptism of thousands of persons. Then after a number of crude miraculous happenings, George fell a victim to Diocletian's persecution, being tortured and beheaded at Nicomedia for his Christian faith. The thing everybody knows about St George, the slaying of the dragon, has been used a great deal in efforts to prove that the saint was no more than a myth. Consequently it is of significance that this episode of the killing of a dragon does not feature in the earliest versions of the St George legend: it was a late mediaeval addition.
How St George came to be adopted as the protector of England is not altogether clear. His name was known in both England and Ireland long before the Norman conquest, and it seems likely that returning crusaders did a great deal to establish his popularity. He may have been nominated as the national patron when King Edward III founded the order of the Garter under his patronage, c 1348. In 1415 his day was made a festival of the highest rank in England. In 1960 the annual feast of the saint in Roman Catholic churches was reduced to a simple mention of his name in prayers at mass and lauds. But in England and other places where St George is specially honoured his feast retains its old solemnity. The badge embodied in St George's flag: a red cross on a white ground was known in the thirteenth century, and probably much earlier. It was the coat of arms of the Norman Earl of Ulster, de Burgh, when he came into the earldom in 1243.
GEORGE, martyr. Third - fourth century; feast day 23 April. St George, patron saint of the Kingdom of England, of soldiers, of boy-scouts, and titular saint of numerous churches throughout the world, was one of the most famous of the early martyrs, and his reputation is still alive particularly in the East. But no historically reliable particulars of his life have survived; and such are the vagaries of his legend that earnest endeavours have been made to prove that he did not exist, or that he was someone else, or that he represents a Christianized version of one or another of the pagan myths. These endeavours have been more remarkable for their ingenuity than for their cogency. Veneration for St George as a soldier saint was widespread from early times, and its centre was in Palestine, at Diospolis, now Lydda. St George was probably martyred there at the end of the third or beginning of the fourth century. That is all that may be reasonably surmised about him. As early as the beginning of the sixth century he was referred to as a good man "whose deeds are known only to God".
Legends of St George exist in a large variety of forms, in which scholars have not been able to detect a single reliable detail. The story popularized by the book "The Golden Legend" in the later middle ages represents him as a knight from Cappadocia, who at Silene in Libya, rescued a maiden from a dragon, which led to the baptism of thousands of persons. Then after a number of crude miraculous happenings, George fell a victim to Diocletian's persecution, being tortured and beheaded at Nicomedia for his Christian faith. The thing everybody knows about St George, the slaying of the dragon, has been used a great deal in efforts to prove that the saint was no more than a myth. Consequently it is of significance that this episode of the killing of a dragon does not feature in the earliest versions of the St George legend: it was a late mediaeval addition.
How St George came to be adopted as the protector of England is not altogether clear. His name was known in both England and Ireland long before the Norman conquest, and it seems likely that returning crusaders did a great deal to establish his popularity. He may have been nominated as the national patron when King Edward III founded the order of the Garter under his patronage, c 1348. In 1415 his day was made a festival of the highest rank in England. In 1960 the annual feast of the saint in Roman Catholic churches was reduced to a simple mention of his name in prayers at mass and lauds. But in England and other places where St George is specially honoured his feast retains its old solemnity. The badge embodied in St George's flag: a red cross on a white ground was known in the thirteenth century, and probably much earlier. It was the coat of arms of the Norman Earl of Ulster, de Burgh, when he came into the earldom in 1243.
The Griffin tree bringeth forth evil fruit
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
"Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
"A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
"Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
Matthew 7: 15-20
April 23, 2011
BNP faces meltdown at local polls after defections and infighting
Party to field 450 fewer candidates than in 2007 as leader Nick Griffin comes under pressure over organisation's finances
The British National party is facing political meltdown in next month's local elections after a string of defections and growing concern over its finances.
Dozens of prominent BNP figures have either been suspended or have resigned and in the past few weeks several former members have announced they are to stand for rival far-right and nationalist organisations.
The BNP is standing around 250 candidates in next month's elections, compared with approximately 700 in the equivalent polls in 2007.
The turmoil comes as the Electoral Commission announced this week that the party had "failed to comply with the legal requirement to keep adequate financial records" for the second year running, further increasing the pressure on the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, who fought off a leadership challenge last year.
"The position of the party is extremely dire," said Professor Matthew Goodwin, from Nottingham University, an expert on far-right politics. "The defections and rebellions are going strong and we have seen a whole host of key figures leave to join other far-right groups … Nick Griffin is becoming increasingly isolated."
The BNP says it is focusing on the elections to the Welsh assembly, where it claims it could secure two seats, but anti-Griffin rebels say the BNP should be making more progress in England as cuts bite and economic instability increases.
"There is growing anger within the party because there was a period when it looked like Nick Griffin may have been able to force the BNP into the political mainstream," said a spokesman for the anti-racist campaign Hope not Hate. "But it is clear Nick Griffin will himself be the BNP's nemesis. His mismanagement, arrogance and dictatorial leadership have dragged his own party off a political cliff."
The BNP's election prospects took a blow earlier this month when it emerged that around 15 former members, including some key figures such as former Yorkshire organiser Chris Beverley, had defected and are standing for the English Democrats in next month's elections. On his blog Beverley said it had been a "huge decision" and blamed the actions of Griffin and his leadership team for the party's problems.
Goodwin said: "There are just over 200 BNP candidates but there are 390 far-right candidates in total so what we are seeing quite clearly is that the far right is splintering, not just among one or two parties but among a whole host of groups and factions … it is the classic case of far-right parties in the UK shooting themselves in the foot."
Analysts say BNP infighting has allowed other far-right and nationalist groups to come to the fore. Organisations such as the English Defence League, the English Democrats and the British Freedom party are now challenging the BNP, but perhaps its biggest threat is a resurgent UK Independence party, which beat both the Conservatives and Lib Dems to come second in a byelection in Barnsley last month.
"The activists that are frustrated with the incompetence of the BNP are going to the EDL or other rightwing factions and many [former voters] are going to Ukip if they want something more respectable," said Goodwin. "The BNP are being outflanked on all sides."
Opponents say the defections and wider splits mean the party is struggling to stand candidates in some of its core areas.
BNP spokesman Simon Darby dismissed the defections, saying: "People have gone, that is it … but wait and see about that, I think they are going to regret that, just wait and see."
He defended Griffin, insisting he was still a popular leader and that it was "a miracle" the party was still operating following what he said was a relentless campaign to undermine it by the media and the state. "I am just pleased we are still here putting up a campaign in seats we may win … we are still in the game and are looking to regroup after all the dust has settled on this election," he said.
Griffin has come under growing pressure since the BNP's poor showing in last year's general and council elections, when it lost all but two of the 28 councillors up for re-election and was wiped out in its east London stronghold of Barking and Dagenham. It now has 23 councillors, compared with 54 a year ago, and several senior figures, including election co-ordinator Eddie Butler and London assembly member Richard Barnbrook, have come out against Griffin.
The rebels' anger is focused on Griffin's leadership style and concern about the party's debts which were exacerbated this week when the Electoral Commission said the BNP had failed to keep adequate financial records for the second year running.
"We have sought an urgent meeting with the party to discuss the steps they need to take to comply with the law," said a spokesman for the commission.
The party is reportedly £500,000 in debt although Darby said that the figure was "coming down".
"We are making good progress on that, that debt will be serviced," he added.
Although a poor showing in next month's elections would increase the pressure on Griffin to stand down, Goodwin said that remains unlikely.
"Griffin will hang on because the BNP constitution means it is almost impossible to oust him... [He] is doing the party in, it is not connecting with voters, they are running out of money but he is not going to go anywhere... they truly are a fading star and it is almost entirely because of Griffin's incompetence."
The Guardian
"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
"Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
"A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
"Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
Matthew 7: 15-20
April 23, 2011
BNP faces meltdown at local polls after defections and infighting
Party to field 450 fewer candidates than in 2007 as leader Nick Griffin comes under pressure over organisation's finances
The British National party is facing political meltdown in next month's local elections after a string of defections and growing concern over its finances.
Dozens of prominent BNP figures have either been suspended or have resigned and in the past few weeks several former members have announced they are to stand for rival far-right and nationalist organisations.
The BNP is standing around 250 candidates in next month's elections, compared with approximately 700 in the equivalent polls in 2007.
The turmoil comes as the Electoral Commission announced this week that the party had "failed to comply with the legal requirement to keep adequate financial records" for the second year running, further increasing the pressure on the BNP leader, Nick Griffin, who fought off a leadership challenge last year.
"The position of the party is extremely dire," said Professor Matthew Goodwin, from Nottingham University, an expert on far-right politics. "The defections and rebellions are going strong and we have seen a whole host of key figures leave to join other far-right groups … Nick Griffin is becoming increasingly isolated."
The BNP says it is focusing on the elections to the Welsh assembly, where it claims it could secure two seats, but anti-Griffin rebels say the BNP should be making more progress in England as cuts bite and economic instability increases.
"There is growing anger within the party because there was a period when it looked like Nick Griffin may have been able to force the BNP into the political mainstream," said a spokesman for the anti-racist campaign Hope not Hate. "But it is clear Nick Griffin will himself be the BNP's nemesis. His mismanagement, arrogance and dictatorial leadership have dragged his own party off a political cliff."
The BNP's election prospects took a blow earlier this month when it emerged that around 15 former members, including some key figures such as former Yorkshire organiser Chris Beverley, had defected and are standing for the English Democrats in next month's elections. On his blog Beverley said it had been a "huge decision" and blamed the actions of Griffin and his leadership team for the party's problems.
Goodwin said: "There are just over 200 BNP candidates but there are 390 far-right candidates in total so what we are seeing quite clearly is that the far right is splintering, not just among one or two parties but among a whole host of groups and factions … it is the classic case of far-right parties in the UK shooting themselves in the foot."
Analysts say BNP infighting has allowed other far-right and nationalist groups to come to the fore. Organisations such as the English Defence League, the English Democrats and the British Freedom party are now challenging the BNP, but perhaps its biggest threat is a resurgent UK Independence party, which beat both the Conservatives and Lib Dems to come second in a byelection in Barnsley last month.
"The activists that are frustrated with the incompetence of the BNP are going to the EDL or other rightwing factions and many [former voters] are going to Ukip if they want something more respectable," said Goodwin. "The BNP are being outflanked on all sides."
Opponents say the defections and wider splits mean the party is struggling to stand candidates in some of its core areas.
BNP spokesman Simon Darby dismissed the defections, saying: "People have gone, that is it … but wait and see about that, I think they are going to regret that, just wait and see."
He defended Griffin, insisting he was still a popular leader and that it was "a miracle" the party was still operating following what he said was a relentless campaign to undermine it by the media and the state. "I am just pleased we are still here putting up a campaign in seats we may win … we are still in the game and are looking to regroup after all the dust has settled on this election," he said.
Griffin has come under growing pressure since the BNP's poor showing in last year's general and council elections, when it lost all but two of the 28 councillors up for re-election and was wiped out in its east London stronghold of Barking and Dagenham. It now has 23 councillors, compared with 54 a year ago, and several senior figures, including election co-ordinator Eddie Butler and London assembly member Richard Barnbrook, have come out against Griffin.
The rebels' anger is focused on Griffin's leadership style and concern about the party's debts which were exacerbated this week when the Electoral Commission said the BNP had failed to keep adequate financial records for the second year running.
"We have sought an urgent meeting with the party to discuss the steps they need to take to comply with the law," said a spokesman for the commission.
The party is reportedly £500,000 in debt although Darby said that the figure was "coming down".
"We are making good progress on that, that debt will be serviced," he added.
Although a poor showing in next month's elections would increase the pressure on Griffin to stand down, Goodwin said that remains unlikely.
"Griffin will hang on because the BNP constitution means it is almost impossible to oust him... [He] is doing the party in, it is not connecting with voters, they are running out of money but he is not going to go anywhere... they truly are a fading star and it is almost entirely because of Griffin's incompetence."
The Guardian
Friday, 22 April 2011
Former members of the BNP: register now!
Register Your Continued Commitment
By Andrew Brons MEP
22 April 2011: The current civil war in the Party has had several ‘casualties’:
* members who have been expelled or suspended from the Party;
* members who have resigned from the Party or who have failed to renew their membership either in support of those suspended or expelled or because they have concerns over:
** the constitution;
** the finances of the Party;
** the leadership and/or advisers to the leadership;
** the way in which the civil war has been conducted.
I have not left the Party, have no plans to do so, and I advise other members also to remain within the British National Party.
I do, however have concerns that I am prepared to discuss with members and ex-members and my greatest concern is that the Party is being dismantled, quite deliberately, as part of the civil war that is being waged.
From past experience, the likely consequence is that large numbers of members and activists will simply be lost to the Nationalist cause. They will not join rival parties and they will not keep in touch with those who continue to be involved.
There might be some who have simply been looking for an excuse to leave but I am confident that they are in a minority. Most are still committed Nationalists but are not prepared to waste their efforts (as they see it)either on a Party that seems determined to rid itself of dissentients and risks becoming Britain’s fastest shrinking party; or on an opposition whose strategy is to embrace a civic nationalist party.
I cannot foresee the future but the Party will either think again about its disastrous course and embrace reform and reconciliation or it will cease to exist. In either event, your renewed involvement will be vital.
I have never regarded activists or even ordinary members as dispensable; they are like gold dust.
There are former or lapsed members who are not ready to rejoin or renew under present circumstances and are not prepared to embrace a fringe nationalist or a civic nationalist party. However, they are also people who are committed Nationalists who would become involved again in favourable circumstances. We cannot afford to lose them.
It is important to keep a register of these people so that they can be contacted in the event of circumstances changing to allow them to become involved again.
If you fall into any of the categories mentioned, please contact me here:
By Andrew Brons MEP
22 April 2011: The current civil war in the Party has had several ‘casualties’:
* members who have been expelled or suspended from the Party;
* members who have resigned from the Party or who have failed to renew their membership either in support of those suspended or expelled or because they have concerns over:
** the constitution;
** the finances of the Party;
** the leadership and/or advisers to the leadership;
** the way in which the civil war has been conducted.
I have not left the Party, have no plans to do so, and I advise other members also to remain within the British National Party.
I do, however have concerns that I am prepared to discuss with members and ex-members and my greatest concern is that the Party is being dismantled, quite deliberately, as part of the civil war that is being waged.
From past experience, the likely consequence is that large numbers of members and activists will simply be lost to the Nationalist cause. They will not join rival parties and they will not keep in touch with those who continue to be involved.
There might be some who have simply been looking for an excuse to leave but I am confident that they are in a minority. Most are still committed Nationalists but are not prepared to waste their efforts (as they see it)either on a Party that seems determined to rid itself of dissentients and risks becoming Britain’s fastest shrinking party; or on an opposition whose strategy is to embrace a civic nationalist party.
I cannot foresee the future but the Party will either think again about its disastrous course and embrace reform and reconciliation or it will cease to exist. In either event, your renewed involvement will be vital.
I have never regarded activists or even ordinary members as dispensable; they are like gold dust.
There are former or lapsed members who are not ready to rejoin or renew under present circumstances and are not prepared to embrace a fringe nationalist or a civic nationalist party. However, they are also people who are committed Nationalists who would become involved again in favourable circumstances. We cannot afford to lose them.
It is important to keep a register of these people so that they can be contacted in the event of circumstances changing to allow them to become involved again.
If you fall into any of the categories mentioned, please contact me here:
Would any of the tsars have permitted this?
Russian patriot victimized for speaking the truth
Honour the patriot who puts love of country, and the welfare of his people, before his job.
The name of Konstantin Poltoranin takes its place on the long roll of honour that contains the names of Russian patriots who have not flinched from making personal sacrifices for the good of Holy Mother Russia and her children.
I have visited Russia. My sympathy is with the disaffected youth of Russia. Your fight for a future is also our fight here in Britain. It is a fight well worth fighting. It is a fight we are going to win.
Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:05pm BST
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The spokesman for Russia's main migration agency was fired Wednesday after saying in an interview the "survival of the white race was at stake" in Russia.
Konstantin Poltoranin, the Federal Migration Service's chief spokesman since 2005, said he did not understand why Europe fostered immigration from Africa and the Middle East.
Russia must be more cautious about "mixing bloods," he said in an interview with the BBC Russian Service just hours before his sacking.
"The survival of the white race is at stake and this is very palpable in Russia," Poltoranin said.
The head of the Federal Migration Service, Konstantin Romadanovsky, called the comments "unacceptable" and confirmed they had cost the spokesman his job, the state-run Itar-tass news agency reported.
The Kremlin added Poltoranin's interview had raised a red flag at the presidential administration [this was not the first time a red flag had been raised at the Kremlin, AE] and his sacking was a "logical and necessary step," a spokesman said.
In a subsequent interview, Poltoranin denied his comments were "racist," but stressed Russia should give priority to migrants who "know Russia, know our faith and accept our customs and laws."
The Russian Orthodox Church is the dominant faith, but about one-fifth of Russia's 143 million people are Muslims.
With its combustible mix of disenchanted ethnic Russian youth and labour migrants from the mostly Muslim North Caucasus and ex-Soviet Central Asia, Moscow has become a focal point of racial tensions.
In December, Moscow saw the worst nationalist riots in its post-Soviet history, with police unable to stop some 7,000 youths rallying near the Kremlin from attacking people of non-Slavic appearance in what President Dmitry Medvedev called "pogroms."
SOVA, a non-government group that tracks ethnic violence, said at least at least two people were killed and 68 injured in hate crimes last December, compared to three killed and 22 wounded for the same month in 2009.
At least 37 people were killed in hate crimes in Russia last year, it said.
(Writing by Alissa de Carbonnel; Editing by Sophie Hares)
The pre-eminent genius of the White race
The following article was recently published on Lee Barnes' blog, 21st Century British Nationalism.
The Wisdom of the Ancients
Sat-nav: Prehistoric man 'used crude sat nav'
Prehistoric man navigated his way across England using a crude version of sat nav based on stone circle markers, historians have claimed.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire which may have been part of an ancient navigational aid for prehistoric man Photo: SWNS7:00AM BST 20 Apr 2011
They were able to travel between settlements with pinpoint accuracy thanks to a complex network of hilltop monuments.
These covered much of southern England and Wales and included now famous landmarks such as Stonehenge and The Mount.
New research suggests that they were built on a connecting grid of isosceles triangles that 'point' to the next site.
Many are 100 miles or more away, but GPS co-ordinates show all are accurate to within 100 metres.
This provided a simple way for ancient Britons to navigate successfully from A to B without the need for maps.
According to historian and writer Tom Brooks, the findings show that Britain's Stone Age ancestors were ''sophisticated engineers'' and far from a barbaric race.
Mr Brooks, from Honiton, Devon, studied all known prehistoric sites as part of his research.
He said: ''To create these triangles with such accuracy would have required a complex understanding of geometry.
''The sides of some of the triangles are over 100 miles across on each side and yet the distances are accurate to within 100 metres. You cannot do that by chance.
''So advanced, sophisticated and accurate is the geometrical surveying now discovered, that we must review fundamentally the perception of our Stone Age forebears as primitive, or conclude that they received some form of external guidance.
''Is sat-nav as recent as we believe; did they discover it first?''
Mr Brooks analysed 1,500 sites stretching from Norfolk to north Wales. These included standing stones, hilltop forts, stone circles and hill camps.
Each was built within eyeshot of the next.
Using GPS co-ordinates, he plotted a course between the monuments and noted their positions to each other.
He found that they all lie on a vast geometric grid made up of isosceles 'triangles'. Each triangle has two sides of the same length and 'point' to the next settlement.
Thus, anyone standing on the site of Stonehenge in Wiltshire could have navigated their way to Lanyon Quoit in Cornwall without a map.
Mr Brooks believes many of the Stone Age sites were created 5,000 years ago by an expanding population recovering from the trauma of the Ice Age.
Lower ground and valleys would have been reduced to bog and marshes, and people would have naturally sought higher ground to settle.
He said: ''After the Ice Age, the territory would have been pretty daunting for everyone. There was an expanding population and people were beginning to explore.
''They would have sought sanctuary on high ground and these positions would also have given clear vantage points across the land with clear visibility untarnished by pollution.
''The triangle navigation system may have been used for trading routes among the expanding population and also been used by workers to create social paths back to their families while they were working on these new sites.''
Mr Brooks now hopes his findings will inspire further research into the navigation methods of ancient Britons.
He said: ''Created more than 2,000 years before the Greeks were supposed to have discovered such geometry, it remains one of the world's biggest civil engineering projects.
It was a breathtaking and complex undertaking by a people of profound industry and vision. We must revise our thinking of what's gone before.''
'Prehistoric Geometry in Britain: the Discoveries of Tom Brooks' is now on sale priced £13.90.
The Wisdom of the Ancients
Sat-nav: Prehistoric man 'used crude sat nav'
Prehistoric man navigated his way across England using a crude version of sat nav based on stone circle markers, historians have claimed.
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire which may have been part of an ancient navigational aid for prehistoric man Photo: SWNS7:00AM BST 20 Apr 2011
They were able to travel between settlements with pinpoint accuracy thanks to a complex network of hilltop monuments.
These covered much of southern England and Wales and included now famous landmarks such as Stonehenge and The Mount.
New research suggests that they were built on a connecting grid of isosceles triangles that 'point' to the next site.
Many are 100 miles or more away, but GPS co-ordinates show all are accurate to within 100 metres.
This provided a simple way for ancient Britons to navigate successfully from A to B without the need for maps.
According to historian and writer Tom Brooks, the findings show that Britain's Stone Age ancestors were ''sophisticated engineers'' and far from a barbaric race.
Mr Brooks, from Honiton, Devon, studied all known prehistoric sites as part of his research.
He said: ''To create these triangles with such accuracy would have required a complex understanding of geometry.
''The sides of some of the triangles are over 100 miles across on each side and yet the distances are accurate to within 100 metres. You cannot do that by chance.
''So advanced, sophisticated and accurate is the geometrical surveying now discovered, that we must review fundamentally the perception of our Stone Age forebears as primitive, or conclude that they received some form of external guidance.
''Is sat-nav as recent as we believe; did they discover it first?''
Mr Brooks analysed 1,500 sites stretching from Norfolk to north Wales. These included standing stones, hilltop forts, stone circles and hill camps.
Each was built within eyeshot of the next.
Using GPS co-ordinates, he plotted a course between the monuments and noted their positions to each other.
He found that they all lie on a vast geometric grid made up of isosceles 'triangles'. Each triangle has two sides of the same length and 'point' to the next settlement.
Thus, anyone standing on the site of Stonehenge in Wiltshire could have navigated their way to Lanyon Quoit in Cornwall without a map.
Mr Brooks believes many of the Stone Age sites were created 5,000 years ago by an expanding population recovering from the trauma of the Ice Age.
Lower ground and valleys would have been reduced to bog and marshes, and people would have naturally sought higher ground to settle.
He said: ''After the Ice Age, the territory would have been pretty daunting for everyone. There was an expanding population and people were beginning to explore.
''They would have sought sanctuary on high ground and these positions would also have given clear vantage points across the land with clear visibility untarnished by pollution.
''The triangle navigation system may have been used for trading routes among the expanding population and also been used by workers to create social paths back to their families while they were working on these new sites.''
Mr Brooks now hopes his findings will inspire further research into the navigation methods of ancient Britons.
He said: ''Created more than 2,000 years before the Greeks were supposed to have discovered such geometry, it remains one of the world's biggest civil engineering projects.
It was a breathtaking and complex undertaking by a people of profound industry and vision. We must revise our thinking of what's gone before.''
'Prehistoric Geometry in Britain: the Discoveries of Tom Brooks' is now on sale priced £13.90.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Establishment hostility - a convenient excuse for failure
The following article was published on Eddy Butler's blog earlier today.
It's a good read.
Over the last few days a remarkable thing happened. Nick Griffin’s BNP showed it was actually capable of learning. At the same time however it managed to prove what a liar, coward and opportunist Nick Griffin actually is.
Can you remember just after the disastrous Barnsley Central by-election when Griffin tweeted the following:
“Nothing wrong with our logo, same size as Tories'. But look at the UKIP monster!”
“UKIP given biggest logo ever seen on Barnsley ballot paper. Ours reproduced a fraction of their size.”
And also:
“Blatant manipulation not just of images but also of voters. Robert Mugabe would be proud!”
Griffin was busy trying to justify why the BNP logo appeared so small on the ballot paper. He insinuated it was all down to a cleverly hatched plot by the state. This fiendish plot that Griffin alluded to was pulled off in order to allow UKIP’s logo to look bigger and better and thus tempt BNP voters away when they went to cast their vote.
As we all know the truth was far simpler. Rather than some elaborate state plot right out of Griffin’s wildest fantasies, the BNP logo appeared small because it was badly designed. The truth of the matter and an in depth analysis can be found here:
Whilst peddling his nonsense about state plots, government collusion with UKIP and the Electoral Commission giving certain parties a better sized logo on ballot papers, Griffin must have been reading this blog. Despite Griffin and his henchmen continuing to spread their nonsense about ‘Mugabe tactics’, something was going on behind the scenes at BNP HQ!
Griffin and Co. had ordered that the BNP logo be changed, removing the words ‘British National Party’ in order for it to appear larger on the ballot paper! So whilst Griffin was well aware that it was his National Elections Officer and National Nominating Officer that had messed up, he still felt the need to put the whole episode down to some bizarre ‘state sponsored’ conspiracy. But as ever, it’s always the big nasty world picking on little Nicky, it’s never him and his bumbling lieutenants’ to blame!
So now when you go to the Electoral Commission website you can find the new new BNP logo, one with the heart but no name by its side. I doubt very much Griffin will have the decency to withdraw his nonsensical conspiracy theory. After all in the cult of Griffin, the more conspiracy theories the better!
Another interesting development over the last few days has been the BNP’s manifesto launches. The most notable being in Stoke for the English council elections and was an utter flop. You’d think the BNP would have had their fill of open air press conferences after the disaster outside Parliament in 2009. Just days after the BNP had earned its new found respectability by getting two MEPs elected, Griffin managed to blow it.
But clearly this national humiliation hasn’t derailed Griffin’s love of open air events – as that’s exactly what the BNP’s English council election manifesto launch was. Rather foolishly it was held on the same day that Stoke City were playing Bolton Wanderers in the FA Cup Semi Final at Wembley! This was Stoke City’s most important football match for decades.
An outdoor manifesto launch was always going to be a recipe for disaster. Just fewer than thirty people stood in Stoke city centre with backdrops held up by supporters so they didn’t blow over. It was never going to be impressive. Predictably the already lacklustre event was disrupted by far left activists. But what did Griffin expect, had he not learned from his previous mistakes?
But Nick was nowhere in sight! Rather than launching the party’s manifesto himself he left it to long time lap dog Simon Darby. Maybe Griffin had learned, not enough to cancel the event, but just enough to make sure he stayed at home well out of the reach. Indeed he has been absent from all the manifesto launches and has cancelled speaking at several meetings recently. Is he trying to avoid bailiffs? Trying to avoid being handed court papers or a summons? The TV licence man?
These events just highlight what has been said over and over again about Nick Griffin. He loves conspiracy theories and the idea the state is desperate to ‘get him’. He can never shoulder any blame and even when he is forced to change something he is not man enough to admit it. He is committed to failed stunts rather than proper statesman like approaches. But the real cherry on the cake is that Griffin is a coward – he now hides from media appearances and dodges the cameras because deep down even he knows he is a busted flush and wildly unpopular with the voting public.
It's a good read.
Over the last few days a remarkable thing happened. Nick Griffin’s BNP showed it was actually capable of learning. At the same time however it managed to prove what a liar, coward and opportunist Nick Griffin actually is.
Can you remember just after the disastrous Barnsley Central by-election when Griffin tweeted the following:
“Nothing wrong with our logo, same size as Tories'. But look at the UKIP monster!”
“UKIP given biggest logo ever seen on Barnsley ballot paper. Ours reproduced a fraction of their size.”
And also:
“Blatant manipulation not just of images but also of voters. Robert Mugabe would be proud!”
Griffin was busy trying to justify why the BNP logo appeared so small on the ballot paper. He insinuated it was all down to a cleverly hatched plot by the state. This fiendish plot that Griffin alluded to was pulled off in order to allow UKIP’s logo to look bigger and better and thus tempt BNP voters away when they went to cast their vote.
As we all know the truth was far simpler. Rather than some elaborate state plot right out of Griffin’s wildest fantasies, the BNP logo appeared small because it was badly designed. The truth of the matter and an in depth analysis can be found here:
Whilst peddling his nonsense about state plots, government collusion with UKIP and the Electoral Commission giving certain parties a better sized logo on ballot papers, Griffin must have been reading this blog. Despite Griffin and his henchmen continuing to spread their nonsense about ‘Mugabe tactics’, something was going on behind the scenes at BNP HQ!
Griffin and Co. had ordered that the BNP logo be changed, removing the words ‘British National Party’ in order for it to appear larger on the ballot paper! So whilst Griffin was well aware that it was his National Elections Officer and National Nominating Officer that had messed up, he still felt the need to put the whole episode down to some bizarre ‘state sponsored’ conspiracy. But as ever, it’s always the big nasty world picking on little Nicky, it’s never him and his bumbling lieutenants’ to blame!
So now when you go to the Electoral Commission website you can find the new new BNP logo, one with the heart but no name by its side. I doubt very much Griffin will have the decency to withdraw his nonsensical conspiracy theory. After all in the cult of Griffin, the more conspiracy theories the better!
Another interesting development over the last few days has been the BNP’s manifesto launches. The most notable being in Stoke for the English council elections and was an utter flop. You’d think the BNP would have had their fill of open air press conferences after the disaster outside Parliament in 2009. Just days after the BNP had earned its new found respectability by getting two MEPs elected, Griffin managed to blow it.
But clearly this national humiliation hasn’t derailed Griffin’s love of open air events – as that’s exactly what the BNP’s English council election manifesto launch was. Rather foolishly it was held on the same day that Stoke City were playing Bolton Wanderers in the FA Cup Semi Final at Wembley! This was Stoke City’s most important football match for decades.
An outdoor manifesto launch was always going to be a recipe for disaster. Just fewer than thirty people stood in Stoke city centre with backdrops held up by supporters so they didn’t blow over. It was never going to be impressive. Predictably the already lacklustre event was disrupted by far left activists. But what did Griffin expect, had he not learned from his previous mistakes?
But Nick was nowhere in sight! Rather than launching the party’s manifesto himself he left it to long time lap dog Simon Darby. Maybe Griffin had learned, not enough to cancel the event, but just enough to make sure he stayed at home well out of the reach. Indeed he has been absent from all the manifesto launches and has cancelled speaking at several meetings recently. Is he trying to avoid bailiffs? Trying to avoid being handed court papers or a summons? The TV licence man?
These events just highlight what has been said over and over again about Nick Griffin. He loves conspiracy theories and the idea the state is desperate to ‘get him’. He can never shoulder any blame and even when he is forced to change something he is not man enough to admit it. He is committed to failed stunts rather than proper statesman like approaches. But the real cherry on the cake is that Griffin is a coward – he now hides from media appearances and dodges the cameras because deep down even he knows he is a busted flush and wildly unpopular with the voting public.
The English Defeatists Party
The following article was published on the British Resistance web site earlier today. It makes some excellent points, both about the English Democrats and their Cheerleader-in-Chief, Eddy Butler.
The Roll over and Die Party - The English Democrats
Written by Green Arrow
Wednesday, 20 April 2011 08:47
I just had to go and re-read this article over on Eddy Butler's blog site, which as is usual, includes yet another image of Eddy. After reading it, I read it again and then again and to be sure I understood what he was saying, I read it yet again. Then I came to the conclusion - Eddy had just written his own political suicide note.
Now I have to be careful now how I word this article as both Eddy's site and this site both display the Nationalist Reconciliation 2011 banner and I do believe in Nationalist Reconciliation but I am no longer sure that Eddy is even a Nationalist anymore. He is clearly no longer a British Nationalist as his recruitment drive for the so called English Democrats party shows. Their politics are those of division and they are openly offensive to Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Now check out the above promotional video that is currently being displayed over on The English Democrats site. Of course the issue of Students fees is wrong but what the "elite" have done with fees and similar issues is to use them as weapons to divide the British Components and turn brothers against brother and the English Democrats have fallen into their trap. So to has Eddy Butler it seems - or has he? It could well be that for other reasons he is acting the part of a Judas Goat and leading British Nationalists away from the fight for Our Country and with some success it must be said.
Now the English Democrats and Eddy Butler's view, is that the colonisers are here now in such great numbers that there is now no longer anything we can do about it and are not only prepared to publish a video in which an "Asian" says "Just because, I'm English" which anyone with a brain and a shred of patriotism should find offensive. If I were to live in Pakistan and make a video saying "I am a Pakistani", I would be laughed at or worse.
No, for me the English Democrats should be known as the Roll over and Die Party as clearly they have submitted and are now no better than Dhimmi fools prepared to betray their own people in order to gain some form of political recognition.
First Eddy Butler betrayed his party, then with his support for the English Democrats, he betrayed both his country and his race. Those are not the actions of a Nationalist, they are the actions of a traitor.
Eddy, you have served your purpose. Please just go now, you have played your part in recruiting for the English Democrats, go get your reward.
Nationalists need to find new ways of conveying our message and in today's Britain, if that includes using some token black faces in order to undermine the 'racist tag' then so be it. The BNP has slogged away with the same old tactics for 30 years and is now a household name. Trouble is the name is mud. Desperate times called for desperate measures. The BNP has many policies that are popular with the public, but the way we have presented them has meant we are an unelectable irrelevance to most people. Time to start thinking outside the narrow little box we have pigeon holed ourselves into. The BNP attracts the angry and alienated vote but that is not everybody. Don't keep flogging a dead horse. Its time to box clever.
"..... if that includes using some token black faces in order to undermine the 'racist tag' then so be it."
The multicultural multiracial EDL has got some few non-White members and yet they get called a racist.
Perhaps its because most of the members/supporters are in fact White. I would like to know where are all the Blacks and Asians are in the EDL when they protesting all I see is White faces in photos and yet they still carrying on with this multicultural multiracial nonsense.
Blacks/Asians don't care about the White race or their culture/heritage.
Elite Commander
Agreed with Manxman that "token black faces" would help by undermining the "racist tag", however I believe this is both dishonest and impractical as a way forward; nationalists would need to thoroughly shed the "racist tag" before any black faces would even occur, as the EDL have slowly learned. They may walk around with banners saying "black and white unite" but, as England points out, most of the faces you see at protests are white.
I have heard of a theory which states that if you badmouth other people or criticize them endlessly, it is in fact YOU who end up with the bad reputation, as listeners associate you with the negativity of the insults. I believe that because of the BNP's endless smear campaign against the other parties, however justified they may be, have created an extremely negative public image of the party as a group of hostile, even revolutionary, racists instead of just racists.
The answer is not to desperately launch recruitment drives for minorities to join the party, which would also have the effect of alienating some core voters, but trying to improve the image further by ceasing hostile criticisms of other politicians and debating sensibly and politely. The new images should reflect the new logo of the party: love, not hatred of anyone or anything. We must be whiter than white - it's the only way we'll shed the "racist tag" and "violent tag" which have so crippled the movement so far.
Butler has now become the perfect definition of the phrase "sell out"
hes as English as i am pakistani
I have to ask the question why didn't they use an English person in preference to a Pakistani?
Perhaps they had trouble finding one.
I want to see reform in the BNP - but I don't want to see Butler in the BNP. Butler, by his activities in recent months, has demonstrated he is no friend of British nationalism - yet less than a year ago he was putting himself forward as the "saviour" of the BNP. What makes this man tick? Perhaps the real question should be - who is pulling his strings do "they" have something on him? Another individual worthy of in-depth investigation is Chris Beverley - the question of why he finds the EDP acceptable (considering his past and associations) is as intriguing as why the EDP find him acceptable. Do Butler and Beverley have something in common - if so what exactly?
John OK
They both ponce off the British National Party by not resigning their positions as paid employees of Andrew Brons as an MEP.
I understand Eddie's argument and the idea of trying to appeal to a broader public to get more votes. I guess it's a "the means justifies the end" argument, in a way. I also have no problem with him making it, after all it was on his own blog and he his entitled to print whatever he likes.
However, from my own point of view, once you start to make compromises, change to "fit in" with trends, then the cause is lost. I can never accept "civic nationalism".
We have seen often enough of how political correctness crept up on on us and how the church of England (for example) has constantly given ground to appease the "trend", to see where that all leads.
Once you start, you just keep having to give way a little more to try and attract the present mind set, which is set by the Marxists in the media and in power.
If we do that, then we might as well give up now. After all, if we keep giving way we end up like the parties already in power. Wishy-washy policies trying to get the most votes just to get/stay in power.
I'm sticking with the BNP (party, not necessarily, the leadership) until the end.
The Roll over and Die Party - The English Democrats
Written by Green Arrow
Wednesday, 20 April 2011 08:47
I just had to go and re-read this article over on Eddy Butler's blog site, which as is usual, includes yet another image of Eddy. After reading it, I read it again and then again and to be sure I understood what he was saying, I read it yet again. Then I came to the conclusion - Eddy had just written his own political suicide note.
Now I have to be careful now how I word this article as both Eddy's site and this site both display the Nationalist Reconciliation 2011 banner and I do believe in Nationalist Reconciliation but I am no longer sure that Eddy is even a Nationalist anymore. He is clearly no longer a British Nationalist as his recruitment drive for the so called English Democrats party shows. Their politics are those of division and they are openly offensive to Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Now check out the above promotional video that is currently being displayed over on The English Democrats site. Of course the issue of Students fees is wrong but what the "elite" have done with fees and similar issues is to use them as weapons to divide the British Components and turn brothers against brother and the English Democrats have fallen into their trap. So to has Eddy Butler it seems - or has he? It could well be that for other reasons he is acting the part of a Judas Goat and leading British Nationalists away from the fight for Our Country and with some success it must be said.
Now the English Democrats and Eddy Butler's view, is that the colonisers are here now in such great numbers that there is now no longer anything we can do about it and are not only prepared to publish a video in which an "Asian" says "Just because, I'm English" which anyone with a brain and a shred of patriotism should find offensive. If I were to live in Pakistan and make a video saying "I am a Pakistani", I would be laughed at or worse.
No, for me the English Democrats should be known as the Roll over and Die Party as clearly they have submitted and are now no better than Dhimmi fools prepared to betray their own people in order to gain some form of political recognition.
First Eddy Butler betrayed his party, then with his support for the English Democrats, he betrayed both his country and his race. Those are not the actions of a Nationalist, they are the actions of a traitor.
Eddy, you have served your purpose. Please just go now, you have played your part in recruiting for the English Democrats, go get your reward.
Nationalists need to find new ways of conveying our message and in today's Britain, if that includes using some token black faces in order to undermine the 'racist tag' then so be it. The BNP has slogged away with the same old tactics for 30 years and is now a household name. Trouble is the name is mud. Desperate times called for desperate measures. The BNP has many policies that are popular with the public, but the way we have presented them has meant we are an unelectable irrelevance to most people. Time to start thinking outside the narrow little box we have pigeon holed ourselves into. The BNP attracts the angry and alienated vote but that is not everybody. Don't keep flogging a dead horse. Its time to box clever.
"..... if that includes using some token black faces in order to undermine the 'racist tag' then so be it."
The multicultural multiracial EDL has got some few non-White members and yet they get called a racist.
Perhaps its because most of the members/supporters are in fact White. I would like to know where are all the Blacks and Asians are in the EDL when they protesting all I see is White faces in photos and yet they still carrying on with this multicultural multiracial nonsense.
Blacks/Asians don't care about the White race or their culture/heritage.
Elite Commander
Agreed with Manxman that "token black faces" would help by undermining the "racist tag", however I believe this is both dishonest and impractical as a way forward; nationalists would need to thoroughly shed the "racist tag" before any black faces would even occur, as the EDL have slowly learned. They may walk around with banners saying "black and white unite" but, as England points out, most of the faces you see at protests are white.
I have heard of a theory which states that if you badmouth other people or criticize them endlessly, it is in fact YOU who end up with the bad reputation, as listeners associate you with the negativity of the insults. I believe that because of the BNP's endless smear campaign against the other parties, however justified they may be, have created an extremely negative public image of the party as a group of hostile, even revolutionary, racists instead of just racists.
The answer is not to desperately launch recruitment drives for minorities to join the party, which would also have the effect of alienating some core voters, but trying to improve the image further by ceasing hostile criticisms of other politicians and debating sensibly and politely. The new images should reflect the new logo of the party: love, not hatred of anyone or anything. We must be whiter than white - it's the only way we'll shed the "racist tag" and "violent tag" which have so crippled the movement so far.
Butler has now become the perfect definition of the phrase "sell out"
hes as English as i am pakistani
I have to ask the question why didn't they use an English person in preference to a Pakistani?
Perhaps they had trouble finding one.
I want to see reform in the BNP - but I don't want to see Butler in the BNP. Butler, by his activities in recent months, has demonstrated he is no friend of British nationalism - yet less than a year ago he was putting himself forward as the "saviour" of the BNP. What makes this man tick? Perhaps the real question should be - who is pulling his strings do "they" have something on him? Another individual worthy of in-depth investigation is Chris Beverley - the question of why he finds the EDP acceptable (considering his past and associations) is as intriguing as why the EDP find him acceptable. Do Butler and Beverley have something in common - if so what exactly?
John OK
They both ponce off the British National Party by not resigning their positions as paid employees of Andrew Brons as an MEP.
I understand Eddie's argument and the idea of trying to appeal to a broader public to get more votes. I guess it's a "the means justifies the end" argument, in a way. I also have no problem with him making it, after all it was on his own blog and he his entitled to print whatever he likes.
However, from my own point of view, once you start to make compromises, change to "fit in" with trends, then the cause is lost. I can never accept "civic nationalism".
We have seen often enough of how political correctness crept up on on us and how the church of England (for example) has constantly given ground to appease the "trend", to see where that all leads.
Once you start, you just keep having to give way a little more to try and attract the present mind set, which is set by the Marxists in the media and in power.
If we do that, then we might as well give up now. After all, if we keep giving way we end up like the parties already in power. Wishy-washy policies trying to get the most votes just to get/stay in power.
I'm sticking with the BNP (party, not necessarily, the leadership) until the end.
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