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Sunday 17 April 2011

If it ain't broke don't fix it

An article by a guest writer


On 5 May voters will have the opportunity to change the method of electing MPs from "first past the post" to AV.

The AV option is complicated; if introduced probably most voters will never fully understand how the counting of the votes works. We should suggest, however, that as well as being confusing, AV is unlikely to be helpful to the nationalist cause. These are the reasons:

1) First past the post, the current system, holds out the possibility of a party with strong but not landslide support winning a workable Parliamentary majority, perhaps with 35-40% of the vote. Proportional representation voting systems such as AV are more likely to produce a less decisive outcome where several parties obtain significant numbers of seats, and radical parties like the BNP are likely to be frozen out by a coalition of hostile parties. In these circumstances something like 50%+ of the vote would be required for the BNP to win;

2) AV, where voters are asked to list the parties in order of preference, will give more scope for our opponents to employ their ganging up tactics. Not only will they urge voters to choose Lib-Lab-Con, Green, UKIP etc as their first choice, but they will encourage denying the BNP even a second, third, fourth place on their ballot paper. Although not all voters will obey this instruction many perhaps will. This would mean that the BNP would have little chance of progressing far in later stages of the count. Except where we had a really strong first preference vote, our chances of success in later rounds of the count would be slim;

3) The complexity of AV would facilitate our opponents' attempts at dirty tricks in the conduct of the count. It would provide a convenient smokescreen to conceal efforts to cheat us out of being awarded a seat we had rightfully won; and

4) The Lib-Dems have invested a huge amount of political capital over the decades in bringing about the introduction of some form of proportional representation. The rejection of AV in the referendum would be a crushing blow to their credibility; it would strike at their raison d'etre. Hopefully, the crippling of the Lib-Dems in this key area might create some vacant space in the voters' affections into which we could move.

In the event of AV being introduced, our instruction to our voters should be simple: vote for the BNP only. As a matter of principle we should be showing no support to those committed to the dispossession and genocide of our people. Conceivably we might give a second preference vote to someone we considered a genuine nationalist, but it would be hard to see why that person would be standing against us in the first place.



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